Adult Stem Cell Nutrition – Brings Not Just a Wail of Hope, But a True Revolution

Website design By BotEap.comAt around the age of 35, the body begins to break down at a faster rate. One reason for this deterioration in health is the reduction in the release of adult stem cells into the bloodstream, a supply that is readily available in your own bone marrow.

Website design By BotEap.comStem cells are the very essence of life. When a sperm joins the egg, the first cell created is a stem cell. Also known as “master cells,” a stem cell has the ability to differentiate into other types of cell tissue. This ability allows stem cells to develop into many different types of cells based on the body’s needs and thus act to support optimal organ and tissue function. Does your heart need repair, skin, eyes, liver, stomach, brain? Stem cells have the ability to act as a repair system, rebuilding and restoring healthy functions and replenishing other cells while the body is alive. Initially, it was believed that only embryonic stem cells had the ability to develop into any type of cell in the human body, known as “pluripotent capabilities.” However, it has recently been discovered that adult stem cells can have the same wide-ranging potential.

Website design By BotEap.comFOLLOW-UP OF AN ADULT STEM CELL

Website design By BotEap.comIt was the discovery of a green fluorescent protein found in a jellyfish deep in the ocean that allowed scientists to further their hypothesis that adult stem cells may have the same pluripotent capacities as embryonic stem cells. By isolating the DNA from the fluorescent protein and then injecting that same genetic code into adult stem cells in a laboratory setting, they were able to follow their traffic trends by seeing which parts of the body were lit with fluorescent dyes.

Website design By BotEap.comIn one such study, highly purified bone marrow stem cells were genetically engineered to produce this fluorescent protein. The mice’s stem cells were then removed by irradiation and the genetically modified stem cells were transplanted into their bone marrow, leaving only the fluorescent bone marrow stem cells as the only available source of stem cells. Cardiac arrest was subsequently triggered in the mice by occlusion of the coronary artery. In less than two weeks, the grafted fluorescent stem cells had traveled through the bloodstream to the heart muscle and differentiated into heart muscle and endothelial cells that contributed to the formation of functional heart tissue, as well as new blood vessels.

Website design By BotEap.comOther studies revealed that adult stem cells could cross the blood-brain barrier and then differentiate into brain cells. The study authors wrote: “Our results clearly show that adult marrow stem cells can access the adult brain and assume characteristics of neurons in the central nervous system.”

Website design By BotEap.comBased on information gathered by various scientific teams, Dr. Gitte Jensen recently proposed the Theory of Stem Cell Healing, Regeneration and Repair. This revolutionary theory suggests that bone marrow stem cells migrate from the bone marrow and travel throughout the body, providing healing and regeneration of damaged organs throughout an individual’s life.

Website design By BotEap.comThrough these studies, we have gained remarkable insight into the natural healing mechanisms used by the human body for cell regeneration and repair produced by adult stem cells that are already abundantly present in the bone marrow. This concept led the StemTech company to develop a product that could enhance the body’s natural ability to release adult stem cells from the bone marrow.


Website design By BotEap.comThe National Institutes of Health lists 74 treatable diseases that use ASC in therapy, an invasive and expensive procedure to remove stem cells from the bone marrow (or bone marrow from a donor) and re-inject these same cells into an area under treatment. . For example, this procedure is sometimes done before a cancer patient undergoes radiation. Healthy bone marrow stem cells are harvested and stored, only to be reattached after radiation to the area of ​​the body that needs repair. This is a complex and expensive procedure, not accessible to the average person. However, there is now a way that every person, regardless of their health status, can access the benefits of enhancing their body’s innate ability to repair every organ and tissue through stem cell nutrition.

Website design By BotEap.comStemEnhance is the first product of its kind, creating a category of nutritional products known as “stem cell enhancers.” StemEnhance’s method of enhancing “stem cell trafficking” is protected by US Patent No. 6814961 issued to StemTech HealthSciences Inc. of Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA and a second patent is pending.

Website design By BotEap.comDr. Christian Drapeau has pioneered research for the past two decades on cyanophta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), the key nutrient in StemEnhance responsible for the release and migration of millions of adult stem cells. AFA is an edible freshwater species of blue-green algae that is known to be one of the oldest and most nutritious foods on the planet. This simple organism is complete nutrition in its most basic form, providing the “building blocks of health.” StemEnhance not only promotes the rapid release of stem cells from the bone marrow, but also increases their ability to reach the damaged tissues that need them most by perfecting their targeting mechanism. Although AFA grows in many other areas of the world, the biomass that accumulates in Lake Kalamath is unique in both abundance and purity, and this is the collection location for StemTech’s fresh supply of AFA.

Website design By BotEap.comTraditional health supplements nourish existing cells, not create new cells. When you take two capsules of StemEnhance, the ingredients help support the release of millions of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the number of stem cells circulating in the bloodstream is one of the best indicators of health.

Website design By BotEap.comStemEnhance is a blend of two compounds that are extracted from AFA. These compounds are extracted using a proprietary process that does not use chemicals or harsh agents. One of the compounds, which contains L-selectin ligand, blocks the receptors on stem cells that keep them anchored in the bone marrow, allowing them to circulate. The second compound, called Migratose, is rich in polysaccharides and can promote the migration of stem cells from the blood to the tissues and organs where they are most needed. These results were demonstrated in a triple-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study by Dr. Christian Drapeau. The results were quite dramatic. The volunteers rested for an hour before setting baseline levels. After the first blood samples, the volunteers received stem enhancers or a placebo.

Website design By BotEap.comSubsequently, blood samples were taken at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after taking the consumables. The number of circulating stem cells was quantified by analyzing blood samples using fluorescence activated cell sorting. Consumption of stem enhancers led to an increase in the number of circulating stem cells, while consumption of the placebo did not lead to any statistically noticeable effect. Within 60 minutes of consumption, a 25-30% increase in adult stem cells was measured. This translates to approximately 3.5 million additional circulating stem cells. This study confirmed that StemEnhance effectively supported the release of stem cells from the bone marrow. Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel in the bloodstream to the areas of the body where they are most needed.


Website design By BotEap.comRecently, the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Canada, led by Dr. Gitte S. Jensen, conducted extensive research on the effect of AFA on the immune and endocrine systems, as well as general blood physiology. The results were remarkable. Consuming AFA was found to have a profound and unique effect on natural killer cells. The results were published under the title “Effects of the blue-green algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae on human natural killer cells”, chapter 3.1 of the IBC library series, volume 1911, “Phytoceuticals: Examining the benefits for health and Pharmaceutical properties of natural antioxidants and phytochemicals “. Two hours after ingesting 1.5 grams of AFA, an average of 40% of the blood’s natural killer cells (1 billion) left the bloodstream and migrated to the tissues. Furthermore, they found that, in some cases, the natural killer cells that remained in the bloodstream had two to three times more adhesion molecules than before the AFA was consumed. After a few hours, the natural killer cells returned to the bloodstream.


Website design By BotEap.comStemEnhance is not a product based on anecdotal evidence (although the notable stories are rapidly accumulating) but rather a compiled body of evidence. We are all different, so the stories are quite dramatic and varied. The body knows what it needs and so do these master cells. People who have difficulty moving due to joint pain are regaining their ability to walk as cartilage is repaired. Patients with MS and Parkinson’s find that accumulated damage is being repaired and that symptoms decrease or disappear. It helps improve vision for some people because adult stem cells are involved in eye health. A woman who used to be plagued by frequent migraines hasn’t had a single one since starting StemEnhance. It can repair the heart muscle, liver, digestive system, and definitely the skin. StemEnhance supports brain function, improving clarity, concentration, and mood. The results can be quite extraordinary.

Website design By BotEap.comWhen StemEnhance is used as a daily supplement over time, stimulating billions of additional stem cells into the bloodstream could be one of the safest and most efficient methods of maintaining optimal health that science has discovered so far .

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