I danced with Christ in Bali

Website design By BotEap.comHe was not in good shape. It was around 2006. My husband had died and I was running his theater and pub. I was very tired and very sad. Death is the ultimate ‘F you’. Some of my daughter’s friends invited us to a weekend yoga workshop. The facilitator was a really cool guy who had been a rock and roller fashion guy until one day he dropped everything to enter a Burmese monastery. In a very short time, he reached all the levels until just before Nirvana. He was an excellent teacher and a charismatic person of depth and wisdom. He said he had built a shelter on the east side of Bali, a country that I love. He knew he had to go there. So I did it.

Website design By BotEap.comThe retreat was beautiful and the buildings elegantly simple. I was blessed with a lovely space and a balcony. There were very few people there. Burgs, the Buddhist teacher, his partner in leading the retreat: a little Indonesian lady, his assistant George, a young man receiving treatment for some kind of serious illness, and the handful of various people who run the place, were the only ones who they were there.

Website design By BotEap.comWe were right on the water and the water stretched endlessly to the edge of the land, populated only by fishermen in their delicate red boats who danced like water spiders on the surface.

Website design By BotEap.comThe gardener was also the masseur and could influence an intense maneuvering of the nerves with the tips of his fingers that made me whistle a little but obviously, it is good that your nerves are strummed like a guitar. I had beautiful discussions and debates with Burgs and George under the starry sky and there was a beautiful little pool that you could lay in right on the edge of the earth.

Website design By BotEap.comIt felt really good to take this break and I think it made a difference for me as I got through this intense period in my life, even as the responsibilities piled up in London. I tried to trust and gradually changed towards the beautiful Balinese energy. We were on the non-touristy side of Bali so it was quiet and empty. I have been twice before and have always had strong reactions. All electronic equipment stops to start. Watches, computers, whatever. It is a beautiful culture where blessings for life are said throughout the day and the veil between dimensions is very thin.

Website design By BotEap.comBurgs returned to England and the schedule vanished. I walked along the beach at night and got close to the huge Buddha statue. I was overwhelmed by an all-encompassing feeling of love for Buddha and I would climb on his lap and call him Daddy, Daddy, Daddy and tell him I loved him over and over as the dark sea kissed the sand under the moon.

Website design By BotEap.comOne night, on the balcony of my beautiful apartment, my jaw broke a little. I have TMJ, that’s a TMJ disorder, since my forceps delivery and my jaw would build up tension and then crack. Strange, huh? Then something strange happened. In a really casual way, I asked my I AM Presence (or Oversoul, Higher Self, etc.) to fix my jaw. I included the North Star in this application, just looking at it carefully, but not really thinking.

Website design By BotEap.comSuddenly my bones began to adjust on their own.

Website design By BotEap.comMy jaw moved slowly forward beyond any manipulation that I could have accomplished and without any direction from “me.” My tongue pressed against the roof of my mouth with the force of an elephant, spreading my skull. This went on for an hour. Naughty person that I am, I saw that they were serving dinner downstairs and asked if I could come down. I felt that the inner guide gave me permission to go down but to avoid talking too much.

Website design By BotEap.comOn the way down, I passed by the mirror and watched in fascination as the bones in my face continued to move on their own. This was really happening. I went to dinner and, for the most part, it stopped. I went back to my room and it started again. This continued after my return to London and for several months, though less and less. It often happened when I was in the dark, suddenly activated when the lights went out on an airplane, for example. I still have the plugin, although significantly less. My chin is more forward and my face seems a little wider. But that’s not what this story is about.

Website design By BotEap.comOne day I was doing Qi Gong with George on the terrace. The deck was wide and open to the sky and the sea. There was a feeling of floating, blue above, blue below. George had put on some really wonderful music. He had guided me through a few exercises and now we were moving with energy inside and out. George was immersed in his practice. There was a stillness. Beautiful music, soft Balinese air, synchronous flow of infinite blue. I was in the zone and quite happy. I formed a big ball of energy and with both hands I pressed it against my heart.

Website design By BotEap.comAt that moment, Christ, Kwan Yin, and Buddha appeared before me. Christ was in front, Kwan Yin and Buddha a step back. I did not see with my inner vision but with my three-dimensional eyes. They were right in front of me, surrounded by the deepest and deepest bright green light. Tears began to flow from my eyes. George, probably thinking he was experiencing some kind of cathartic emotional release, went and sat on the edge of the terrace, but I didn’t notice him until later when I saw him sitting there swinging his legs.

Website design By BotEap.comChrist stepped forward and bowed his head. He took my hand. I bowed deeply and took her hand. It was as if he had danced in this almost medieval courtly fashion 1000 times before. I was fully present in the experience, there was no testimony or internal judgment, therefore, it was not remarkable or anodyne, since we must have a witness to categorize. He was fully present and submerged, but had a deeply ecstatic and transcendent edge. My heart had swallowed me completely. He took me by the hands and we danced. And then it was all over and there was the blue sky and the sea, the tears still flowed from my eyes and George was swinging his legs trying to look indifferent.

Website design By BotEap.comLater I wrote a song about it. I have been guided to sing the song about this experience so many times, as a bridge to the timeless world, but I am very disobedient to my guidance. As Alice in Wonderland says … ‘I often give myself very good advice, but I rarely follow it …’

Website design By BotEap.comIt was difficult for me to write the music with the lyrics, my melody was like a popular song but too simplistic and I gave it to a classical guitarist who wrote a medieval round for it. It would be beautiful for a group or choir to sing and it includes two other similar experiences that I have had, but this one is unique because I saw clearly in the human realm, not only heard, felt or saw with my inner eye.

Website design By BotEap.comIt has been said that these experiences should not be shared, perhaps it dissipates them, perhaps because they are sacred. However, I felt the need to share how close the other worlds are and how accessible they are if we really want to. I told my dear friend Anie about this experience and she was overwhelmed that we could dance with Christ. Well, he’s called Lord of the Dance! She wants to help me make a music video for the song with the dancer played by many different women and Christ by many different men, because we are all One with the Christ. Yeshua came to remind us of that. By sharing, I hope to help people tune their radios to higher bandwidth. The veil between the worlds is very thin and requires only a subtle shift for the ‘doors of perception’ to open wide to other worlds, vast and full of treasure.

Website design By BotEap.comWith love, Stephanie

Website design By BotEap.comThe metaphysical muse

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