Novels to Read – Watchmen by Dean Koontz

Website design By BotEap.comFor me, fiction novels are purely entertainment, I do not read fiction from a literary perspective seeking mastery of words. (That is why I can never become a true critic.) My otherwise logical brain is off and I tuned in to a different station. A station with only one voice, I like to think of it as the voice of the author, although I know that it is my perception of that voice that I hear in my mind.

Website design By BotEap.comDean Koontz has a voice, a unique voice that wants to be heard, it resonates through black and white giving color and diversity. Modest and dignified, she takes us on a journey that changes forever, ruthless and relentless, digging into the darkest and deepest corners of our minds, challenging our wits. It finds its way into our heart and soul, it fills us with so much terror and fear that it pierces our bones. Childish nightmares of sinister demons and ferocious beasts come to life before our eyes. But the voice also brings hope, hope for the future, hope for humanity, although (sometimes unknowingly) we try so hard to destroy the things we love and cherish, there will always be someone willing to challenge the demons that are hidden in it. darkness.

Website design By BotEap.comWatchmen by Dean koontz

Website design By BotEap.comHidden in secret laboratories, scientists working with recombinant DNA manage to create two different “weapons”, two mutants so different from anything seen before. They escape from the cages in which they were condemned to spend the rest of their lives. A good and a bad are now in sight.

Website design By BotEap.comA killer with a sincere love for his craft and an ego to match is having the best time of his life, he’s on a murder spree, and scientists are at the top of his list.

Website design By BotEap.comA man, emotionally isolated from the world, afraid to love for fear of losing.

Website design By BotEap.comA woman shy as a mouse ducks her head and hides in her burrow, fearful of venturing into the real world.

Website design By BotEap.comAn agent on a desperate mission to catch the fugitives and hide the real events from the public.

Website design By BotEap.comTheir paths will cross and none of them will ever be the same again.

Website design By BotEap.comThis novel has definitely made it to my list of favorite Dean Koontz novels. Although it was first published in Britain in 1988, I have never read it before. You may think this is old news and why bother reading a twenty-two-year-old novel.

Website design By BotEap.comTwenty-two years is a long time, and I suppose some of the places described by Koontz have changed, the Sierra de Santa Ana, Solvang in the Santa Ynez Valley, but it is not about the surroundings, the streets or the houses where they live, it is it’s about people, the characters it created. Although they are fictitious, they are still very credible. DNA research remains a highly debatable topic and the essence of the story (which I believe is the essence) never goes out of style.

Website design By BotEap.comLove, friendship, overcoming difficulties and the capacity for change and finally hope.

Website design By“No one has greater love than this: that he lay down his life for his friends” The Gospel according to John

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