Social media influencers: a very superficial industry?

Website design By BotEap.comAn ad from local micro-influencer agency Faves Asia angered many for a few reasons, but none of the offenses were as great as misrepresenting the influencer industry as an easy path to fame and riches. The video was removed a few days after overwhelming whipping on the back.

While one spends hours incessantly browsing social media gawking at the lush and flawless lifestyles of influencers, it can be hard to refrain from thinking that a pretty face and a little bit of luck is all it takes to be one of them. . However, the reality is often much more different from our desired imaginations. So what are the three fundamental qualities of a successful social media influencer?

Website design By BotEap.comIdentity

Website design By BotEap.comIf you want to be known for everything, you will not be known for anything. – Dan Schawbel

Website design By BotEap.comTo go beyond just being a forgettable pretty face on Instagram, you need to establish a distinctive online personality. This requires the influencer to have a clear sense of direction in content creation and to establish a reputation as the benchmark for a single interest or a collection of interests. As such, a true influencer also creates waves and doesn’t just rely on fads with generic content. This requires an intricate balance between being avant-garde and tuning in to current market preferences.

Website design By BotEap.comLikability

Website design By BotEap.comA good influencer maintains their rapport by spending time and effort building trust and reporting with followers, clients, and other industry influencers. – Copyrise

Website design By BotEap.comIn addition to looking good and being creative, it is important to have a friendly personality. When it comes to monetizing influence, influencers must establish a healthy working relationship with brands and companies. With the proliferation of micro-influencers, it is a buyer’s market. Given the same degree of influence, companies and agencies will always go with those who are easier to work with rather than divas. It’s common sense to have common courtesy, especially when a key influencing criterion is being nice.

Website design By BotEap.comIntegrity

Website design By BotEap.comAt the end of the day, I’m selling my taste and my eye; If I do off-brand things, I will lose respect. – Camille Charrière, Instagram fashion influencer, 529k followers

Website design By BotEap.comHowever, being nice doesn’t mean being a yes man or yes woman all the time. For serious social media influencers, while paying the bills is crucial, integrity should be the constant guiding principle. Influencers must genuinely like a brand and its products in order to ‘sell’ it and for followers to ‘buy’ the post and buy the product. A mismatch of brands and influencers, at best, does not generate significant sales and, at worst, degrades the reputation and follow-up of the influencer. Camille has even turned down a £ 100,000 contract from fashion giant Macy’s because the clothes weren’t her style and they weren’t what her fans would appreciate. [I].

Website design By BotEap.comWith significant persuasiveness in their domains, influencers can choose to monetize influence, use it for other causes close to their hearts, or simply remain a free entertainer. To be able to choose between these options, a person must meet the necessary prerequisites. While appearance helps pave the way, the true influencers are certainly more than genetics and cosmetics.

Website design By[I] Vogue, What Is An Influencer, March 2017.

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