wow mounts

Website design By BotEap.comWhile the vast majority of mounts have more or less the same attributes, there are a few that seem to be a cut above the rest, so obviously this is something else to keep in mind the next time you pick. your Horde character.

Website design By BotEap.comWhile there will be more details in the horde leveling guide regarding all epic mounts and the relevant long quest chains to obtain them, we have compiled a short list of each mount relative to a particular race.

Website design By BotEap.comUndead – Perhaps the best thing about these mounts, also known as Skeletal Horses, is that once you reach level 30 you can select between brown, green or red. Similarly, once you reach level 60 with this mount, you can choose between green or purple.

Website design By BotEap.comTroll – Once again, players can choose from a Raptor from a range of interesting colors when it comes time to pick a suitable mount. For lack of words, let’s say they are certainly different. Available in emerald, purple or turquoise, they give you the advantage of being able to go 60 percent faster. Having said this; we’ll leave it at the leveling guide to tell you all about these epic mounts.

Website design By BotEap.comOrc – To a large extent, these wolves look a lot like the ones we saw in The Lord of the Rings, especially when you see them in action. The only difference is; these are available in a terrible colour, wood or brown. The only drawback of these is; they are not as impressive as you might expect.

Website design By BotEap.comTauren: Curious what kind of mount Tauren rides? He is known as a Kodo and, for the most part, he looks a lot like a Rhino. An interesting aspect is that as you pass others they turn to look at you and this becomes more apparent once you hit level 60 at which point you will get the armored version.

Website design By BotEap.comBlood Elf: These ride a mount known as a Hawkstrider that essentially looks like a cross between an ostrich and a hawk. While they certainly have the look that sets them apart from the crowd, and although there are different colors, they seem to lack a bit of class.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you want to see a full rundown of the best WoW Mounts and see the best WoW Mounts guide to choose from, visit our WoW Mounts page here – WoW Mounts

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