Is Nutramigen Enflora a Good Alternative to Lactaid?

Nutramigen Enflora

The nutritional supplement industry has made great strides in recent years, and now you can find high quality nutramigen flora formulas available. The nutrition supplement industry is chock full of new solutions for a variety of health concerns, including skin issues, allergies, lactose intolerance, and health concerns as well. It is becoming increasingly common for parents to turn to this kind of nutrition supplement to address a wide range of problems that come up with their children. There are many nutraceuticals available on the market today. Many of them claim to be able to treat a wide array of medical conditions. One of the newest is nutraceuticals like nutramigen flora.

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The problem with some of these nutraceuticals is that they only claim to be able to treat certain symptoms of a specific ailment. For example, some nutraceuticals make claims that they will improve your infant’s lactose intolerance. The problem with that is that many infants have a mild intolerance to milk, but do not exhibit any of the symptoms associated with it. Therefore, it is not clear whether nutramigen would in fact work for an infant with milk intolerance. The same can be said for other nutraceuticals, such as that of glutenin. Even if it does work to enhance the functioning of the liver, it may do little to relieve gastrointestinal discomfort, which is often one of the symptoms of infants with certain medical issues.

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However, nutramigen is different. It works because it supports the natural ability of the body to heal itself. What happens is that the enzyme lactase works to break down lactose, which is found in many dairy products. Once the enzyme has rendered it inactive or non-functional, the body can then begin to repair and regenerate lactose. In this way, the lactose is converted back into galactose, which is the sugar found in milk.

Is Nutramigen Enflora a Good Alternative to Lactaid?

In addition to providing support for lactose digestion and the generation of new cells that replenish the lactose reserves in the intestine, nutramigen flora lgg also provides support for another vital part of milk’s production-conversion process. Lactose is made from glucose when glucose is broken down into simple sugars by the liver. In infants with milk allergy symptoms, the body is unable to make enough lactase, resulting in a diet that is almost completely devoid of the sugar. This is why many infants on nutramigen flora lgg are given glucose-free formulas, so that they can produce sufficient amounts of lactase to do the job needed. The lack of lactase in infants with milk allergy symptoms can lead to serious and life threatening complications.

Fortunately for parents who might be concerned about nutramigen flora lgg for their babies’ health, the company behind the formula has taken steps to ensure that there are no allergens or toxins in this product. The only possible toxin would be some of the ingredients that may be found in cow’s milk – these are primarily casein and lactalbumen. Although not listed in the ingredients of all brands of nutramigen infant formula, they have been found to cause the same reaction in one in six infants as a result of consuming them. Since the ingredients have been removed, this allows any worried parent to relax and know that their baby formula will still provide the support the child needs, even with this potential allergy issue.

There have also been studies conducted to test the safety of nutramigen and how long it may be able to support infants with milk allergy symptoms. One study actually showed that there may be a slight increase in nutramigen reactions in some infants. The only downside to this is that no definitive answer could be drawn – there may be other ingredients that could be causing the reactions or maybe the infant just has a naturally lower tolerance to these ingredients than others. If you decide to give this product a try, be sure to read all the ingredients listed on the back of the bottle. If possible go to your local nutrition store to get further information on nutramigen and other probiotic lgg baby formula brands.

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