american staffordshire terrier

Website design By BotEap.comThe American Staffordshire Terrier is a very strong dog. The entire look of the American Staffordshire terrier is one of power. It is a very muscular and agile dog. They are larger in bone structure, head and weight than their American Pit Bull Terrier cousins. The muzzle is in proportion to the head and is of medium length, with rounded sides and well closed lips. The jaws are very strong; your teeth should be able to make a scissor bite. His eyes are lower on the face and are dark in color and round. Their ears are set high and, if cropped, pointed, but uncropped are preferred, and can take medium punctures. They are wide and stocky dogs. Their fur comes in all colors and can be single colored or patched. It is not desirable to have a dog that is more than 80% white. Its fur is thick, short and shiny. Its tail can be amputated, but if not, it must be short and tapered to a point. It has a wide door and sturdy legs that are in proportion to the body. This dog lives about 15 years.

Website design By BotEap.comHistory: The history of the American Staffordshire Terrier dog began in England in the Staffordshire region. Here they crossed the bulldog with a mix of Terriers to produce the muscular dog we see today. In America, breeders change it slightly to be heavier with a more powerful head. This breed is larger than its English cousins. It has been used throughout time as a fighting dog, but with the ban in the 1900s, two types were bred, the American Staffordshire Terrier show dog and the American Pit Bull Terrier fighting dog. These now look like two races instead of one race. American Staffordshires are now guard dogs, guard dogs, and agility dogs. These dogs need firm and consistent training to make them see that you are the leader, this applies to all members of the family as you need to appear high up in the pack order for this dog to have a happy and successful relationship.

Website design By BotEap.comTemper. The American Staffordshire Terrier is outgoing, happy and stable, it is an intelligent and confident dog, excellent by nature and very good with children and adults alike. Although they are strong and powerful dogs, they are normally trustworthy around children, although due to their strength and build they could accidentally run over small children. They are very protective of their master and their home, again due to their general appearance this makes them an excellent watchdog.

Website design By BotEap.comHealth Issues: The American Staffordshire Terrier is known to have hip dysplasia. Heart murmurs and congenital heart disease, skin allergies, tumors, hereditary cataracts, thyroid problems.

Website design By BotEap.comGrooming: The American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed is fairly easy to keep tidy. It needs weekly brushing with a firm bristle brush. She sheds normally and can be bathed as needed. A good rub with a rubber brush gives the coat a shine. There are also oils available to add shine to the dog.

Website design By BotEap.comLiving Conditions: The American Staffordshire Terrier breed likes warm but not hot weather. It can live in a garden or in a house. It will be fine to have it in an apartment, but you will have to pay attention to give this breed good exercises. This dog needs long daily walks and needs to know that you are the leader or he can become unwieldy.

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