CHAPTER 7 – Mrs. Kitty Kitty Kitty shortlisted for vice president

Website design By BotEap.comIt just had to happen, you knew it especially if you had read chapters 1 to 6 of this site. No matter what you’ve thought before, Ms. Kitty was destined to make the short list for vice president in someone’s mind. It was inevitable.

Website design By BotEap.comThis will be a very close campaign to the end. Florida’s hanging chads could come back into play because eight short years surely isn’t enough time to teach those Floridians how to vote no matter how simple, especially in Broward County, where tests have shown they learn. slowly.

Website design By BotEap.comRegardless, Ms Kitty has been warned that she is competing in both the pursuit of Obama and McCain’s possible selection of ‘Mad Dog’. Mrs Kitty is being given one more time in both cases. Every possible “kitty litter” is under close scrutiny.

Website design By“Why is that?” You can ask. Easy. Ms. Kitty is an “Independent” elected to her first term in Congress. Obviously, he has no luggage, except that he is from the state of California. That would be enough in itself to disqualify her in the eyes of some people, especially my good friend and fellow Marine, Colonel Jim Bathurst. Jim doesn’t like “California” at all, not even avocados! Polls show that you are not alone in that, that is, you do not like avocados.

Website design By BotEap.comIt has been raised that the main objections to anyone being selected as a vice presidential candidate, in addition to their “Californiaity”, are not present in her as an option as in other possible options. She did not vote for the war in Iraq. She also did not vote in favor before voting against. She cannot be accused of being a Bush supporter, although she did visit the White House on one occasion, as detailed in Chapter 6. (Her fight with First Dog Barney surely soured any relationship she may have established with GW!). ex-president husband who may have unstable financial dealings after presidency, as is the case in at least one case. He certainly hasn’t changed his position in his short time in Congress. No flip flops for Mrs. Kitty, thank you. He has never used claims of sexism or racism to get to where he is today, that’s for sure. No sir, she is not Maxine “Muddy ‘Waters or even a Reverend Al or Jessie when it comes to it. She is as pure as can be when it comes to possible skeletons in her closet, except for a few cases of bird hunting. Of season.” .

Website design By BotEap.comThe conservative right may strongly oppose your selection when they learn that you had an ‘abortion’ as a teenager; well, the vet called it ‘spaying’ in his case, but rightists can classify it as such. There really was no ‘choice’ in her case because her previous owner didn’t really know she was ‘with kittens’ when the procedure was performed. She was simply concerned for the well-being of Ms. Kitty at the time. Nothing more. Neither ulterior motives nor social positions.

Website design By BotEap.comCertainly the liberal left will oppose it for many reasons. She does not have a record of voting in favor of the environment. Not once did he throw himself in front of bulldozers or chain himself to a tree. She didn’t vote against the Iraq war, or any war for that matter, and she doesn’t really have a position on offshore drilling, which seems to be coming to the fore lately. OMG, he doesn’t lean to the left in the slightest, so he’s out of agreement with the folks on ‘Air America’ or ‘Countdown with Keith Olbermann’. Rachel Radow, now almost Olbermann’s co-host and chest cohort, wears less makeup than Ms. Kitty on her worst day. At least Mrs. Kitty has a feminine necklace, red and quite elegant. So Rachel definitely wouldn’t approve of what Keith would ‘gossip’ agree to as a correct decision.

Website design By BotEap.comThe New York Times surely won’t endorse her for vice president no matter what. She can’t expect such high praise from them (there’s no way they’ll sink her during the season) if McCain specially chooses her, as is his tendency to do. She is too clean a candidate for them to be able to dig up dirt, even if the dirt wasn’t exactly accurate or timely.

Website design By BotEap.comThe Washington Post could go either way as long as it’s Barack’s style. If Barack chose Ms. Kitty, the Washington Post would support him in his election by saying something like “Barack has made an excellent choice in this case, one of which you can be proud.” Then they would send their most skilled reporters to discredit Mrs. Kitty.

Website design By BotEap.comThe New Yorker Magazine may feature her on its cover one day as the ‘full cat’, but I hope it’s turbanless and as we already went through that gibberish in a previous chapter detailing her lineage. She is a Catholic cat with no ties to any Black Liberation Theology. Nor any other religion of questionable nature.

Website design By BotEap.comSo, Mrs. Kitty Kitty Kitty is back in the spotlight in Washington, DC whether she wants it or not. Without a doubt, she would be an excellent vice president. She would not shoot anyone while hunting, would not reveal the names of CIA agents, or “invent” the Internet while in office. And he certainly wouldn’t try to undermine the president-elect in hopes of getting a shot at the bronze ring in 2012!

Website design By BotEap.comYou must read Chapters 1 through 6 of this site to really appreciate Ms. Kitty and her controversial rise to success.

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