Chronic infectious mononucleosis: can it be caused by emotional stress?

Website design By BotEap.comHaving chronic infectious mononucleosis can be a very worrying and frustrating time. Many people have taken the time to rest their bodies, drink plenty of water, eat healthy, and take the right supplements, yet their symptoms still prevail.

Website design By BotEap.comIn these situations, chronic mono may be exacerbated by emotional stress. According to best-selling author Louise Hays, who wrote “You Can Heal Your Life,” recurrent illness is the body’s way of expressing limiting beliefs and ideas. Hays has stated that the Epstein Barr virus that causes mononucleosis is a stress virus caused by going beyond one’s limits.

Website design By BotEap.comHays believes that chronic infectious mononucleosis stems from the fear of not being good enough and from striving to be perfect. I know that many of my chronic mono patients have Type A personalities: they set high goals for themselves and have to rush to achieve them. Their perfectionist streak means they are not satisfied unless everything is done 100%.

Website design By BotEap.comDifferent symptoms can reveal more about the emotional ties to the disease. Let’s take a look at the common symptoms seen in chronic infectious mononucleosis and how they relate to emotional stress.

Website design By BotEap.comrecurring sore throat

Website design By BotEap.comThe throat area is said to represent the ability to speak for ourselves and ask for what we want in life. If we feel inadequate in asking for what we need, then sore throats can arise. This emotional block from not fending for oneself is common in caregivers such as mothers, wives, or people who live their lives for others. Recurring sore throat is the result of not doing what you really want in life.

Website design By BotEap.comA severe sore throat like that seen in laryngitis can represent anger. This anger can arise from not following your heart’s desire and doing what you want in life. Anger can also come from the feeling of not receiving love and attention from those around you.

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Website design By BotEap.comRecurrent swollen glands are common in chronic infectious mononucleosis. They can indicate a problem with being mentally stuck with obstructed ideas or preventing you from reaching your full potential.

Website design By BotEap.comTired

Website design By BotEap.comRecurrent fatigue is the most common symptom seen in chronic infectious mononucleosis. It can represent boredom, resistance, or a lack of love for what one is doing. If any of these symptoms and emotions strike a chord with you, then it’s worth having a talk with a trained counselor or psychotherapist.

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