Corn Allergy Symptoms: You May Be Allergic To Corn And Not Even Know It

Website design By BotEap.comAn allergy to corn can often go unnoticed in the United States due to its high prevalence in processed foods. Corn, in one form or another, can also be found in almost every fast food item. On top of that, corn allergy symptoms vary greatly from person to person. While some only need to smell the popcorn to have a severe reaction, others are somewhat more tolerant and have a less severe reaction that is difficult to connect with the corn.

Website design By BotEap.comThe best way to know if you are allergic to corn is to get an allergy test by a qualified allergist. Other than that, keeping a food diary can be very helpful in checking and verifying which foods were offensive. But what symptoms are associated with a corn allergy?

Website design By BotEap.comThose who suffer from an allergy to corn, in its severe form, may suffer anaphylactic shock. Most people with this severe corn allergy know what they are allergic to. However, many suffer their entire lives with symptoms ranging from obesity to inflammation and congestion of the sinuses.

Website design By BotEap.comInflammation is one of the most common symptoms. A person allergic to corn may not even realize that they are bloated because they have become used to it. If you wake up tired, have difficulty getting down on your knees, think you may have arthritis, notice ankle swelling, or general body pain, you may actually be allergic to corn. If it’s not corn, you may have some other allergies and it would be wise to visit an allergist to be sure.

Website design By BotEap.comMost corn allergy sufferers are exhausted, and as they age, it tends to get worse. They feel better before eating than after. They usually have trouble getting through the day and by the end of the afternoon, they almost have. Many people allergic to corn have been diagnosed with other illnesses. The exhaustion is sometimes so terrible that after being exposed to corn, the only thing a person allergic to corn can do is sleep.

Website design By BotEap.comAbdominal disorders are extremely common among people with a corn allergy. Some have been misdiagnosed with IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, or other gut-related diseases. Your doctor may have told you that you need more fiber. After eating, your stomach becomes very bloated. You may experience excessive burping or gas. At extreme times, you may have been in the emergency room with vomiting or experienced what some doctors call “blowouts” in which you struggle with alternating constipation and then sudden diarrhea.

Website design By BotEap.comChronic sinus problems are a tell-tale sign that you may be suffering from a food allergy. My own son suffered for years with glare, tired eyes, stuffy and runny noses, as well as postnasal drip. All those symptoms were related to corn. He had trouble breathing and even episodes of sleep apnea as a young child.

Website design By BotEap.comPrediabetic and insulin resistance symptoms may actually be corn allergies. A few times, after almost passing out after eating, I had wondered if I was turning diabetic. He had all the symptoms of a prediabetic, of someone resistant to insulin. I even took medication for hypothyroidism. These, of all the symptoms, were by far the most terrifying. I felt dizzy, foggy and cold most of the time. She couldn’t work in the garden or exercise because she was afraid of starting to shake. Something was clearly wrong.

Website design By BotEap.comAs we cut down on high fructose corn syrup, cornstarch, MSG, dextrose, and eventually switched to sea salt, our corn allergy symptoms started to go away. My son and I experienced a kind of rebirth. My son’s nose is clean and his dark circles are gone. I planted two trees without fainting. The swelling in my ankle is almost gone and we both lost a significant amount of weight without dieting. It is simply a miracle that we discovered the connection between corn and our symptoms. Now, we are on the road to recovery and the quality of our lives is absolutely a thousand percent better.

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