Do bras have an expiration date?

Website design By BotEap.comBras don’t last forever, as most women will tell you. However, many women hold on to their bras well past their expiration dates. Some women have a hard time knowing when their underwear is no longer giving them the support it used to; they may adjust the straps or blame weight loss or weight gain for bra problems. However, sometimes the bra is simply worn out and needs to be thrown away.

Website design By BotEap.comSigns of a Worn Out Bra

Website design By BotEap.comA comfortable bra can also be a worn-out bra that no longer does its job of supporting the breasts. You can tell a bra is worn or frayed if you notice dimples in the cups or if the band no longer fits snugly around your ribcage. It’s probably time to throw out the underwear when you start to see “breast meat… spilling over or under, [and] the band is too loose or bunches in the back, the underwire digs into the flesh, and the center of the bra pulls out instead of lying flat against the center of the chest” (Source: “Five Signs It’s Time to Throw Away Old Bras”, The Breast Life). Also, if you notice that a bra is causing pain in your back or possibly shoulder blades, you should consider removing it and purchasing a new model. The straps can also wear out, requiring the she needs a new underwear.If the wire is getting punctured and the fabric is fraying, it’s probably time to go bra shopping.

Website design By BotEap.comHow long do bras last?

Website design By BotEap.comIt’s hard to say how long a bra lasts because there are so many variables. How often do you wear the bra? Do you wash the bra by hand or throw it in the washing machine? Has your weight fluctuated? Some women find that their arms no longer fit once they have gained or lost weight. Some experts suggest that quality underwear will last around nine months, but “most bras are 100% elastic and our bodies are almost 100 degrees, bras can easily stretch faster if your body runs on the warmer side.” (or if you live in a warmer climate.)” (Source: “When to throw away the bra”, Lula Lu’s Blog). If you alternate bras frequently, your bras should last longer.

Website design By BotEap.comDoes style matter?

Website design By BotEap.comGenerally speaking, a bra can wear out no matter the style. However, if you only wear a certain type, say a halter bra, sometimes logic suggests that these underwear will outlast your most frequently worn bras. Most women have several types of bras to suit their wardrobe needs. However, if you prefer a certain style, it’s a good idea to have several so you don’t wear out your arm quickly and can alternate between them.

Website design By BotEap.commake your bras last longer

Website design By BotEap.comBy taking care of your arms you can extend their optimal use. Hand wash and reform bras instead of machine washing. You should also change your underwear every day. Wearing the same bra two days in a row doesn’t allow the fabric the time it needs to breathe. Also, when you exercise, use arms designed for that purpose. The sweat and heat from your body could cause your regular bras to wear out more quickly.

Website design By BotEap.cominspect your bras

Website design By BotEap.comThe only way to really know if your bra has seen better days is to try it on and inspect it for yourself. If the band support is damaged and the cups are wrinkled, it’s safe to say your underwear is past its prime. Also, if your bra is no longer comfortable, you should definitely buy another one. Your bra should feel comfortable to wear as it gives you the support you need.

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Website design By“Five Signs It’s Time to Throw Away Your Old Bras”, The Breast Life,

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