Does the length of the penis affect the distance of ejaculation?

Website design By BotEap.comI’m sure most of us have indulged in an adult movie or two (or three). In those movies, many times you have seen the scene end with the man shooting a stream of ejaculate (semen) across the room. Of course, most of the adult movie stars have those huge penises and you can feel that the size affects the distance of ejaculation. This may or may not be true, let’s examine.

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Website design By BotEap.comIn theory, the larger the space to increase speed, the farther any projectile should go, right? Under the assumption that the ejaculate is being forced completely out of the urethra of your penis, this should easily create an extended ejaculation distance. This theory is very valid due to the fact that with a constant increase in force behind anything that has a greater amount of room to increase speed, it should go farther once ejected or ‘thrown’. But, the question is, could length be the most dominant factor in ‘cast’ distance?

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Website design By BotEap.comCould the time it takes for ejaculation to escape from the penis reduce ejaculation distance? This makes the length of the penis a possible obstacle in his goal of being able to splash the wall from the foot of the bed! Keep in mind that the ejaculate is a mixture that comes from two separate places before making its way to freedom. So if the dominant factor in distance is indeed length, this could pose a problem unless you have more seminal fluid than the average man. In this way, the length and time would work in favor of the ejaculate being released more, since the liquid from the base of the penis should be pushing the rest from the bottom of the urethra.

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Website design By BotEap.comCould the position of the angle of the penis during orgasm affect the distance of ejaculation? Well, this could be analyzed in two different ways. One could be referring to a penile curvature that could pose a problem. Or, it could be referring to the angle at which the penis is positioned straight. In the case of penile curvature, your concern might be that the sleigh ride that ejaculation will take around the bends might reduce the distance of the longest penis. Do you see this as a possibility? The length of the penis could also give you enough distance to pick up speed and still shoot far. As for the angle of a straight man’s penis, it has been shown through physics that any object with a good trajectory angle has a better chance of traveling farther than one that doesn’t. This concept can work in favor of a longer penis.

Website design By BotEap.comWhat really affects the distance of ejaculation

Website design By BotEap.comThe truth is that the length, the time of travel of the ejaculate or the angle of the penis have very little to do with the distance of the ejaculation. What all of these had in common is the key factor of the process, speed. So what would give your semen speed? The answer is the force created by the muscles of your penis. Regardless of the size of your penis, you can take control of those muscles and shoot ejaculation up to 15 feet. What is recommended is to flex your penile muscles during the pre-orgasm spasm and thrust simultaneously with your body’s natural reaction to orgasm. Another big factor is the amount of semen. Semen is the heaviest of the fluids emitted during this process. So the more you have, the further your ejaculation will go. This has been related to two things; time elapsed since your last ejaculation and internal blockage. Spaced sexual encounters can increase seminal volume, which prolongs ejaculation.

Website design By BotEap.comSo the final answer is ‘No’, the length of the penis does not affect the distance of ejaculation. All the factors mentioned above have a slight impact on this process. But neither is dominant enough to make a substantial difference. So don’t be led to believe that our penis is too long or too short to splash against the walls.

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