How to get a six pack belly

Website design By BotEap.comWhat does it really take to have a flat, sexy, six-pack abs section? Well, it’s probably not what you think.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you’re like many people, you envy a flat, sexy tummy. You probably also think that the best or only way to get that flat stomach is to do abdominal exercises like crunches or crunches. So, you might be surprised to learn that abdominal exercises are the least effective way to get a flat and lean midsection. To achieve sexy abs, you need to incorporate a combination of nutrition, cardiovascular conditioning AND ab training.

Website design By BotEap.comFitness trainers hear the question “how do I get those ripped abs?” with more frenquency. The simple answer is that there is no quick and easy way to get them. It’s going to take dedication and work. A lean midsection requires a combination of good nutrition, cardiovascular and abdominal training.

Website design By BotEap.comGood nutrition is essential for a firm and healthy physique. Now one does not have to eat “cardboard” daily to improve their diet. Simple changes like adding more vegetables and cutting back on sweets and other snacks will go a long way in melting away the fat hiding that trim tummy.

Website design By BotEap.comThe simple rule of thumb for good nutrition is to eat food as close to its original form as possible. In other words, eat a raw apple instead of apple pie. Eat a sandwich made with whole grains instead of cake.

Website design By BotEap.comIt will also help to eat less of certain foods and more of others. Eat more vegetables and less meat or processed foods. By the way, you’ll be surprised how much food you can actually eat when you eat natural, pure, whole foods. And those foods will give you more nutrition and fewer calories and even more energy than any other type of food.

Website design By BotEap.comMany people also believe that crunches are the best exercise for abs and the most effective way to get ripped abs. Well doing endless crunches will give you very strong abs and that is very important. But crunches won’t give you that visibly trim and sexy belly you’re looking for. In fact, abdominal exercises are the least effective way to show off your abs.

Website design By BotEap.comCardio burns the fat that hides your lean, tight belly. One of the best fat-burning exercises is one you probably did as a kid in gym class. The bike maneuver is great for burning calories, it also works your abs to kill two birds with one stone.

Website design By BotEap.comYou don’t need any fancy or expensive abdominal exercise equipment. Save your money when it comes to those expensive ab-only exercise machines. Lie down on the floor, lift your legs in the air as if you were riding a bike, and start “pedaling.” Within a short period of time, you’ll feel the burn in your gut, legs, butt, and probably notice that you’re breathing a little deeper, which means you’re speeding up your metabolism and burning calories.

Website design By BotEap.comOther cardio exercises are also good. Walking is great for burning calories, which burns fat, which in turn allows those tight, firm, defined abs to shine through.

Website design By BotEap.comAs your abs and other muscles get stronger, you’ll need to increase your training to challenge them. In fact, as you get stronger and leaner, you will find that you WILL want to challenge your muscles even more. Not to mention, you’ll find that you’re more and more willing to wear a tight shirt or, if you’re a man, no shirt at all.

Website design By BotEap.comRemember to start slow. Listen to your body. Increase your workout as your body allows and before you know it you’ll have that sexy six-pack abs you often see on movie stars.

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