Lord Shiva Pooja and Abishekam Secrets Revealed!

Website design By BotEap.comLord Shiva Divinity
Like most species of molluscs, sea snails also have a protective shell, called a “snail shell”. Have you ever noticed that even the map of India is designed in the shape of a conch shell? Also, conch shells are revered and used for divine purposes in India!

Website design By BotEap.comIn the long and luminous spiritual tradition of India, the role of conch shells is incredibly significant, but hardly revealed to the outside world. These are a divine gift and treasure for mankind, preserving the bhakti bhava (an attitude of prayer) of mankind. They are also known to promote, preserve their truth and integrity. Therefore, these shells are incredibly used for centuries, to obtain secret material and spiritual blessings. This is a closely guarded spiritual secret, known only to the discerning few.

Website design By BotEap.comWhy shells?
The spiritual science behind this special abishekam is that all the sacred sounds, including the greatest mantra, ‘Om’, the sound that reverberated and helped create this entire universe, is present in the Conch! They are used in pious places like temples and altars to ensure the purity, divinity and prosperity of that particular place.

Website design By BotEap.comThe Vedas state that the “banker in heaven”; Lord Kubera himself lives in the Shell together with the Goddess Mahalakshmi. He will amaze you to know that worshiping the conch shell that is strung on the right side of him; “valam puri sanku” blesses you with material comforts!

Website design By BotEap.comThe ancient Siddhas have declared that conches are an essence of divinity. Just as we use lamps to worship, underwater beings perform prayers during this ritual! The celestial beings that are associated with the conch shells help to light lamps underwater, for the benefit of marine beings. Although it may seem absurd to our intellect, it is true according to the Siddhas.

Website design By BotEap.comPradosham and conches:
Dattatreya Siva Baba introduces you to a special form of Lord Shiva, known as ‘Shanka Taranyar’. This form of Lord Shiva helps to remove negative vibrations, ensures the longevity of partners and removes any obstacles in material and spiritual endeavors. The conch shell abishekam ritual for this form of Lord Shiva during Pradoshams is considered special.

Website design By BotEap.comThe Pradosham that falls on August 3 (Monday) is called Soma Pradosham. The Meadowshams that fall on Monday and Saturday are considered to be an incredibly beneficial period of time to remove stubborn karmas. When puja and abishekam to Lord Shiva and Nandi are performed with 108 conch shells, it provides miraculous benefits!

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