Pitbull Puppy Training – How To Do It

Website design By BotEap.comThe pitbull puppy is a puppy full of energy. He can’t help but run and play all day. Although he is known to be an aggressive breed of dog, a well-trained Pit Bull puppy will bring tons of joy to his family’s life. Pitbull training can begin as soon as you bring him home. This will help you channel his overflowing energy to good use. One important thing to keep in mind is that you should never have a pitbull puppy. Let’s see how we can educate a pitbull puppy at home:

  • Feeding. As with other dog breeds, you need to start with the basics, teach your pitbull puppy where to get his food and where to find his water bowl to prevent him from drinking from the bowl. Never feed him unless he is on his plate. He has to learn this so that he waits for the food and doesn’t disturb you while you eat at the table.
  • asleep. Make a small bed or better yet make it pit bull sized, a large box bed. Be sure to protect the crate with dog padding, and if you like, add a small blanket for the pup to play on. Teaching a dog where to sleep can be difficult at first, but eventually he’ll get the message when you put him in his bed each night.
  • Potty training. Pitbull puppy training when it comes to potty training is easy. Take him to a cardboard box every after eating to relieve himself. After many tries, he can already remember (and smell) where he can go. You can also train a pit bull to go when you walk him as an adult.
  • biting. Pitbull puppy training when it comes to biting is easy, especially if you’re on a leash. If you see him chewing on a slipper, replace the slipper with a leash. This will teach him to associate biting only with his chew toys.
  • canine aggressiveness. Pit bulls are known to be aggressive breeds of dog. The only way to do this is to get another dog. Introduce the new dog as if he were the first to find it. Getting a new dog can teach you to be calm around new dogs and to control your temper.
  • Play. After taking care of basic training, it’s time for games and fun. You can teach your pit bull any trick in the book as he is full of energy. This breed is not for the average couch potato owner. As a pit bull owner, you should have plenty of time to walk and run with your dog. If you live in a small apartment, your puppy can get bored and restless and this can lead him to look for fun. So try to have more time for your puppy, especially when he is growing up.

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