Shiba Inu Dog Breed Profile Information

Website design By BotEap.comDescription: The Shiba Inu is a small, muscular dog. The male will be 14-16 inches at the shoulder and the female 13-15 inches. The weight of this dog will be 15 to 25 pounds depending on the sex. The Shiba Inu has small, erect ears on a round head. The Shiba Inu has a double coat with a hard outer coat that protects a dense, soft undercoat. The coat can be found in black with tan, red, or sesame. All these colors are combined with cream or buff markings. The tail is rolled over the back. The Inu will have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years. It is also known as the Japanese Small Size Dog and the Shiba Dog.

Website design By BotEap.comHistory: Japan is home to four native dog breeds, of which the Shiba Inu is the smallest. This dog was used in Japan as a hunting dog for small game. It came in handy for getting birds off the deck. The word ‘Inu’ means dog in Japanese, and ‘Shiba’ means brush, so it is believed that the dog could have been named after the type of field it would hunt in. The distemper epidemic that swept Japan during World War II nearly caused the Shiba Inu to become extinct, but remnant populations reunited after the war and the breed was rescued.

Website design By BotEap.comTemperament – ​​As with most dogs originally used for hunting, Inu bond closely with their human family and will want lots of attention from them. He is good with children. However, the Inu is independently minded and can be difficult to train, although the dog is quite intelligent. While the Shiba gets along quite well with the family cat and other dogs, he has a very strong prey drive and will attack small animals, whether they are pets or not. This dog must be kept on a leash when walking.

Website design By BotEap.comHealth Issues: Although quite healthy, the Shiba Inu can develop hip dysplasia and slipped patella. The Shiba Inu can suffer from allergies and epilepsy. Cancer can also develop in the Inu, although it is more likely a disease of age than anything else.

Website design By BotEap.comGrooming: It’s probably a good idea to brush your Shiba Inu once a day, although two to three times a week will suffice unless his fur is blown. This happens twice a year, and intensive care is needed at this time to remove the undercoat. This dog should not be bathed frequently as it is naturally clean and bathing will remove oils from the coat. Teeth should be brushed several times a week, and fingernails should be of reasonable length.

Website design By BotEap.comLiving Conditions: Although the Shiba Inu’s thick, protective coat will allow it to live outside in almost any climate, this dog needs to be close to its human friends and will suffer mentally if deprived of their company. The Inu can live in an apartment, but will need to walk every day to meet his exercise needs. This dog is playful on the inside.

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