Street Hypnosis Safety – Part Three

Website design By BotEap.comProtect your cameraman

Website design By BotEap.comAnother safety issue to consider is protecting your videographer. We usually have a videographer present during street hypnosis outings for safety and also to capture and document the fun. Look at your cameraman. Your cameraman intends to film you and you may not be aware of EVERYTHING that is going on around you. It’s a very good idea to get one of those orange safety vests for your cameraman. For extra credit, have a patch on the back that says “Camera 2” or something like that. This will increase the legitimacy of your operation and keep your cameraman safe. After all, if there is a “two” camera, you must be doing something important, right? The orange vest draws more attention to you and what exactly you are doing, so there are many good reasons to wear the orange vest.

Website design By BotEap.comThe hypnotic hangover

Website design By BotEap.comA hypnotic hangover can sometimes occur when a subject comes out of hypnosis too quickly. How fast is too fast? It depends. If you’ve never had a subject or client who has experienced a hypnotic hangover, you will. So what does a hypnotic hangover look like? A person with a hypnotic hangover will complain of a headache or nausea, complaining of feeling “still hypnotized.” The good news is that eliminating a hypnotic hangover is really easy. The hypnotist looks like a hero in this situation. Just re-hypnotize the person and this time slowly emerge. If the last time you brought up the topic on a 1 to 3 count, do a 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 count with lots of suggestions for good health, wellness, and mental clarity, and your topic will come. feeling so much better. And when the subject opens his eyes, say: “And see how good it feels”, do not say, how does it feel? , “Yes! I feel good!” This will make the hypnotist look like a miracle worker. He has just eliminated a headache instantly. Of course, he is the one who caused it, but this part will be forgotten!

Website design By BotEap.comFragile subjects

Website design By BotEap.comDuring street hypnosis, use caution when working with anyone who has a condition that could cause injury. Shock induction should never be performed on a pregnant woman or someone who is physically fragile. A gentle Elman induction might be appropriate, but in general, it is best to work only with strong, healthy subjects who will not be harmed by subsequent induction or skits.

Website design By BotEap.comSpontaneous coma

Website design By BotEap.comIn all the instant inductions that I have done, all the street inductions that I have done and I have done a lot, this has never happened to me. I’ve never had a hypnotic coma unless I intended to. But, theoretically it is possible. There is a 1 in 10,000 chance that this will happen to you, that someone will spontaneously go from Esdaile to hypnotic coma, but I want you to know what to do.

Website design By BotEap.comA hypnotic coma or Esdaile is a very, very deep state of hypnosis. A subject in the Esdaile state will not follow your instructions. When you try to bring them up, they won’t. The reason? Esdaile’s state feels so good that the subject wants to stay there. It is a state of absolute euphoria! So what can you do? You have this woman standing next to you and her friends are around, and she doesn’t say anything, she doesn’t do anything, just there like a lump. Well, the first thing that will happen is that your friends will start talking about calling the ambulance to take you to the ER, which is not absolutely necessary.

Website design By BotEap.comHow do you get it? The first thing to do is make sure it’s a hypnotic coma, so ask him. Say: “I only counted from 1 to 5 and I realized that you didn’t open your eyes like I told you, why didn’t you do that?” If she says, “Oh, I just didn’t want to” or “I felt really good,” you don’t have a hypnotic coma. A subject in a coma will not talk to you. So if she talks, you have a choice. You can say, “Well, I can leave you here and you can continue to enjoy working with other people” or “I’m going to get you out of hypnosis.” Be firm and she will emerge. If she doesn’t talk to you, make sure she hasn’t fallen asleep.

Website design By BotEap.comIt happens, especially late at night. Give him a little nudge and tell him to wake up, and if he does wake up, he’s not in a coma. If it still stands there and says nothing and does nothing, it could be the coma. Dave Elman in the 1920s used this method. It’s called a threat of coma. Say, “I know you feel good, but you need to get out right now. And if you don’t get out right now when I count to 5, I’m going to fix this so you can never be hypnotized again. To put a hypnotic stamp on yourself.” Be very consistent. “I’ll do that and you can never be hypnotized again.” And then count and the person will come out of the coma. Your theme will absolutely emerge because the risk of never being able to be in that wonderful state again is too great a risk to take! Those of us who have been in a coma understand!

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