Turn our cheek?

Website design By BotEap.comAnti-Semitism in America continues to infiltrate the mindset of radical individuals who oppose anything that does not complement their self-motivated agendas. As the wave of religious intolerance continues to spread, the once strong Christian movement has moved into the crosshairs of the anti-God movement. It should come as no surprise to those in the “Book” as the Scriptures speak of these “end time” activities. What is shocking is that houses of worship are doing nothing to stem the tide of “spiritual euthanasia.” There is an attitude of turning the cheek, instead of opposing the wiles of the devil. Both the Jewish and Christian communities seem to have resigned themselves to the fact that there is little they can do to stop the anti-spiritual agenda. Without resistance to spiritual opposition, the “oppressors” continue to trample on the name of God and his son Jesus. Are the Jewish and Christian communities destined for a life of passivity?

Website design By BotEap.comIn 1926, the president of Mexico carried out an all-out attack on the Catholic Church. Clergy were prohibited from wearing religious garments. The churches were looted and burned. Priests and officials of the Catholic Church were hanged or shot. Thousands of followers of Jesus were killed. Entire cities and towns were destroyed. In response to the carnage, the Christians formed an armed militia known as the Christeros. For three years they fought against spiritual tyranny. They adopted the words “Christo Rey” (Christ the King) as their rallying cry. After three years, the President of Mexico capitulated and the churches were reopened and the Catholic faith reestablished. The question arises as to whether the Christeros were justified in taking up arms against the oppressors of their faith.

Website design By BotEap.comToday, Jews and Christians face a potentially physical crisis related to the growing anti-God environment. When a synagogue or church is surrounded by anti-religious people, should these citadels of faith remain passive and non-confrontational?

Website design By BotEap.comThe Old and New Testaments paint opposing views as to what is expected of believers who are attacked or oppressed. The sword is prevalent in the Old Testament, while “turning the cheek” is the New Testament weapon of choice. So what Scripture should we respond to?

Website design By BotEap.comWhen Jesus saw that the Temple was used as a “casino” for money changers and merchandise, he responded with physical action. He made a whip out of little ropes and drove the polluters out of the Temple, proclaiming that his Father’s House would not be a “… house of market.” (John 2: 15, 16) If someone tried to carry certain “vessels through the Temple”, He would stop them. (Mark 11:16) Jesus defended the Father’s House from him, both physically and verbally. It is imperative that believers distinguish between offensive and defensive stances. The Church must not be physically aggressive, but defensively prepared and active. When the Judeo-Christian community does not stand up for its fundamental faith and its physical properties, it will be forced to worship in the “catacombs”. Soon the saying out of sight, out of mind will take center stage.

Website design By BotEap.comScriptures that promote turning the cheek, drawing the sword, and other related verses must be viewed in context. Christians must never be intimidated by the forces of evil. The Christian must never compromise. The enemy may march around us, but he will never get through us! We must always remember that the Armor of God was given to us to enable us to defend the Faith!

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