Why is My AC Running But Not Cooling?

AC Running But Not Cooling

An air conditioner is a critical component of any home during the hot summer months. When it stops working, your life can become very uncomfortable very quickly. If your AC is running but not cooling, it’s important to understand why and to try some basic troubleshooting steps to fix the issue.

The first thing homeowners can do is make sure that the thermostat setting is actually set to cool. It’s also possible that the thermostat may have a battery that needs to be replaced, and it’s essential to check to ensure that nothing is blocking airflow from any supply vents in the room.

Another common problem is that the fan or blower motor in the Air Conditioning repair unit has stopped working. This can be caused by a power surge that has tripped the breaker, or simply from a very hot summer that is overworking the unit. This can be solved by flipping the breaker back on or replacing the fuse in your breaker box.

If your air filter is dirty or clogged, this will restrict air flow and cause the AC system to work harder than necessary in order to cool your home. Changing your air filters regularly will help to prevent this from occurring.

It’s also a good idea to visually inspect the return air coils in your evaporator coil to make sure they are clean. These coils are responsible for absorbing heat from the air in your home, and they can get quite dirty over time. It’s important to have them cleaned by a professional, and this is typically done as part of an annual maintenance visit.

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Why is My AC Running But Not Cooling?

In some cases, the problem may be related to a clogged or blocked drainpipe that transports the condensed water from your indoor evaporator coils to the outdoor AC unit. Occasionally this can be caused by an insect nesting in the pipe or from a large amount of dirt that has built up inside the drainpipe.

Finally, it’s possible that the refrigerant levels are low and need to be recharged. This is a job for a trained AC technician and should be done by someone with the proper tools.

While there are several reasons why your AC may be running but not cooling, most of the problems can easily be fixed by a homeowner. Some simple troubleshooting tips, such as making sure the thermostat is set to cool, checking for a tripped breaker, and cleaning or replacing the air filter can often help an AC unit that is not cooling. If you have tried these simple solutions and the AC is still not cooling, it’s probably best to call an HVAC professional for a thorough inspection of the unit and the installation. They will be able to determine the root of the problem and recommend an appropriate course of action.

In conclusion, the decision to repair or replace your air conditioner depends on various factors, including the age of your unit, the frequency of repairs, energy efficiency, cost considerations, comfort, and environmental impact. A thorough assessment of these factors will guide you in making a decision that aligns with your budget, long-term goals, and environmental values. Ultimately, investing in a modern, energy-efficient air conditioner can bring relief from the sweltering heat, enhance comfort, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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