Women Approaching Men: 5 Secrets to Getting Women to Notice You and Make the First Move

Website design By BotEap.comHere’s a question I get all the time: “Hey Scot, how do I know when a woman is interested in me? And how do I get women to approach me first?”

Website design By BotEap.comWell, actually there are two questions. But you get the point.

Website design By BotEap.comWell, we all know that women are usually subtle creatures. They’re not going to come around often and hit you with a 2×4 and announce, “Hey, dummy… I like you.”

Website design By BotEap.comOn second thought, maybe in certain parts of Brooklyn and/or Queens that could happen. And having gone to school in downtown Filthydelphia, I may have to make an exception there, too.

Website design By BotEap.comBut I digress.

Website design By BotEap.comAlthough subtle indicators of interest from women are often overlooked by most men, all is not lost. In fact, this post is dedicated to the lazy guys everywhere who want to hit the “easy button” and skip all the Chick Whispering altogether.

Website design By BotEap.comHere, at last, are five bona fide ways you can get women to approach you. you for a change.

Website design By BotEap.comLet’s get on with it…

  1. be a waiter or bartender
  2. Website design By BotEap.com So you want to tidy up your bar/club game? Try to work on one. You might even put “gorilla” on your “A list” of must-have jobs. On the other hand, if AFC persists in buying the hottest drinks for women, then that would miss my point. We’re going to put you behind the bar and hope for the best anyway. After all, some hottie somewhere has to be buying her own drinks… um, right? On second thought, why not just be a waiter? Try hash at Red Lobster and serve up seafood dishes all day to the beauties. And businessmen on their lunch hour. Here’s a better idea, work in the kitchen. That way, the waitresses have to approach you constantly… throughout the entire shift.

  3. take your dog to the park
  4. Website design By BotEap.com Ingredients: A Dalmatian. A red scarf. A flying disc. Combine at a local park and mix well. That’s a recipe for being harassed by women if I’ve ever seen one. No Dalmatian? A Labrador Retriever, Shetland Sheepdog, or Australian Shepherd should do the trick. Or just take a Chihuahua and just stand there holding it until someone wants to pet it. And if all else fails, at least you won’t be going home alone… right?

  5. work at the mall
  6. Website design By BotEap.com What do women love more than anything? Go shopping, of course. And where are most of the stores located to make those purchases? You guessed it… the mall. However, don’t even think about working at Champs or some other men’s store. And don’t let logic get in your way and go to work at Fashion Bug or something. Only completely style-free women shop there. And it’s not like you can go to Petite Sophisticate and get a job, either. That is just creepy. What you have to do is be the guy standing in the food court handing out Chick-Fil-A. Attractive women love Chick-Fil-A. And Orange Julius too. I guess. No, stick with Chick-Fil-A. The name says it all. Never mind the fact that you only get minimum wage for your trouble. It’s all about scoring the girls.

  7. Take care of your niece and make it public
  8. Website design By BotEap.com First, get an older sister or brother. Then have them have a child or two. Then grow the child up to (preferably) be potty trained. From there, you have between 18 and 24 months to dedicate yourself to childcare. Dress up the cute girl and take her where women tend to hang out. Like Chick-Fil-A. I was mugged by the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders at the ELP airport one day with this strategy. Except the girl turned out to be my daughter. And I was married to the children’s mother. So there are no “digits”. Journal.

  9. Wear a red shirt to aim
  10. Website design By BotEap.com Now let me be frank. I don’t have many red shirts. After all, red means “stop.” However, one day I “hit the target” in one of those red T-shirts. If you haven’t figured out the meaning of this section yet, the people who work at Target wear red shirts. And it’s not even like they have a company standard or anything. They just wear a red shirt they pulled out of the closet… or a freshman football player’s locker. This means that if the planets are aligned and you land on the local target with a red shirt on, chances are you’ll get caught. For beautiful women. And for old people who can’t find the Metamucil. But the point is they approach you.

Website design By BotEap.comOkay, by now you’ve probably realized that this is a semi-serious post at best.

Website design By BotEap.comWith all the time we spend here talking about “handling ourselves,” my role as a dating coach for men will always be to encourage men to get closer. I really can’t expect you to sit here and listen to me blather on about “women approaching you” with a straight face.

Website design By BotEap.comAfter all, if you are waiting for women to approach you, you may have to wait a long time. Even if you take the list I gave you above to heart, you have to admit that there are some “surgical procedures” involved. You have to be in the right place at the right time under the right circumstances.

Website design By BotEap.comSo why not skip the hassle altogether and go talk to some women? Make the first move. Be proactive. It feels better than wearing a red shirt to Target.

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