10 money-saving tips for new parents

Website design By BotEap.comCongratulations! You and your partner have a lot of joy on the way. My husband and I were ecstatic when we found out we were pregnant with our first child, but that’s when reality hit us. An extra person in the household meant more expenses in all aspects and a complete change in our usual routine. Sacrifices are often made when we become parents, but that doesn’t mean our bank accounts have to be completely emptied as a result. There are many ways to save money while welcoming a new member to the family.

Website design By BotEap.com1. Don’t buy maternity clothes

Website design By BotEap.comI will give more details on this one. Of course, as a pregnant woman, she will need to expand her wardrobe to accommodate the life growing in her belly. I bought some new items during my pregnancy, but I didn’t buy clothes that were marketed as maternity wear. They cost a pretty penny, and since pregnancy has stages, you could end up wearing a maternity shirt for only 1-2 months. What I did was buy clothes at my favorite stores (or thrift stores), but in larger sizes. Target the sales shelves to save extra money. That way, you can still get competitively priced items, while mingling with the general population. Once the baby is out and the weight is off, you can save them for the next baby, donate them, or make adjustments and continue to use them postpartum.

Website design By BotEap.com2. Host a baby shower

Website design By BotEap.comThere is no doubt that baby showers are the best way to collect free baby products. If you decide to create a registry, be sure to select the items you need, rather than what you’d like. Don’t be afraid to choose big. A friend of mine surprised us with a new crib, which ended up saving us almost $200. He also suggests asking for gift cards to department stores, so you have the flexibility to shop for a wide range of baby items. Gift cards are also convenient because they can be saved to use at a later date.

Website design By BotEap.com3. Host a diaper party

Website design By BotEap.comNot all spouses like to attend baby showers. For that reason, some prefer to throw away the diaper parts. It’s a way for guys to get together, share food and/or drinks and just hang out. Creativity in gift-giving is eliminated by the simple fact that men are asked to bring only diapers as gifts. What we did was ask the boys to bring any size diapers and believe it or not, we didn’t have to buy diapers for the first five months of our son’s life! Plus, the leftovers were perfect for when the next baby arrived. If you don’t plan to have any more children, you can give them back to another pregnant family, donate them, or sell them locally.

Website design By BotEap.com4. Get hospital coupons

Website design By BotEap.comMany hospitals receive a number of free samples and coupons for products that help new moms heal. I received free nursing pads, baby-related brochures, samples of nipple cream, pads, and aspirin. All of these free samples add up, so take what you can get from the hospital.

Website design By BotEap.com5. Breastfeed/Express milk if you can

Website design By BotEap.comBreast milk is not only the healthiest option for a growing baby, it is also the most cost effective. A mother could save her family a minimum of $1,300 if she chooses to breastfeed. Unfortunately, it is not always an option. Issues like going back to work, latching problems, health problems and more can prevent a mother from being able to breastfeed. In this case, choosing to invest in a breast pump would still save you a lot of money. You can borrow them, rent them or even buy them second hand.

Website design By BotEap.com6. Returning/selling unwanted gifts

Website design By BotEap.comIf you managed to receive items that you don’t plan to use, please return or sell them as soon as possible. Waiting too long can make it harder to sell them. You can also re-gift those items to someone else who might have a baby in the near future.

Website design By BotEap.com7. Guess your purchases

Website design By BotEap.comBefore you buy baby items, ask yourself if you really NEED to buy them. We considered buying a changing table and then realized that using our bed or a blanket on the carpeted floor would work just as well. We keep a basket of wipes and diapers handy, so when we need to do a quick change at home, we can do it anywhere in the house.

Website design By BotEap.com8. Request free samples online

Website design By BotEap.comThere are a number of reputable companies that give free samples to moms. You’ll be able to get formula samples, coupons, special offers and more.

Website design By BotEap.com9. DIY Baby Items

Website design By BotEap.comSave money by making some of your baby items yourself. Search online for homemade baby carriers, booties, diaper bags, bibs and more. It’s a great way to save money and a productive use of time.

Website design By BotEap.com10. Homemade baby food

Website design By BotEap.comI cannot stress enough how much money you will save by making your own baby food. Store-bought packaged foods are limited in nutrients and expensive, with restrictions on quantity and quality. Homemade baby food means YOU control what goes into your baby’s system, as well as taste, amount, and more. Plus, raising a healthy baby means you could save on future health care costs.

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