Conscious Life

Website design By BotEap.comSeveral years ago, following the intention to live more consciously, I considered it the Year of Awakening. For me, I envision a lifetime of conscious living as I more fully awaken to the spiritual being that I truly am. As part of my spiritual journey, I love to search for the meaning of things to gain even deeper understanding. This is what Webster’s Dictionary said about the word conscious: in the “moment,” in waking consciousness, mentally perceptive, alert, knowing subjectively, intentional, deliberate, inwardly mindful, mindful, knowingly aware, aware, knowing oneself, realizing and acknowledging.

Website design By BotEap.comWow, that’s a powerful definition! Who wouldn’t want to be aware? Along with conscious living comes the responsibility to act in accordance with our values ​​and ideas. We can experience emotional pain when we allow ourselves to feel what we have been holding back for years, but for the most part, living mindfully is joyful as we see the good in others and trust in the presence of a loving God manifesting in us. our lives perfectly.

Website design By BotEap.comIn order to change old patterns and create greater awareness in our lives, it is important to do a daily practice that allows for a change in awareness and then the creation of new patterns and improved habits can arise. For those who know me, I am a ‘busy’ woman, but I am learning to enjoy my free time. I see how it is leading me to greater awareness in my life.

Website design By BotEap.comAside from my daily practice is spending time in stillness, in the stillness of my own mind. I spend time in silence when I meditate, which I also call “sunbathing”. It is there that I learn to have space between my thoughts. I listen to that inner voice and wherever it takes me is where I am willing to go. I find that the more I listen to the spiritual guidance I receive, the smoother my life flows!

Website design By BotEap.comAs I spend time in silence, I release my prayers and review in my mind all that I am grateful for. My heart fills with appreciation as I review in my mind the many ways I am blessed. If there is any resentment or forgiveness work to do, I take care of that too, while my inner being is calm and focused on God’s goodness.

Website design By BotEap.comFor me, one aspect of mindful living is getting in touch with what brings me joy. When I follow the rhythm of my own inner drummer, so to speak, I know that I am on the path to a conscious life, and not just doing what everyone else thinks I should do! Mythologist Joseph Campbell says, “If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of path that has been there all along, waiting for you, and the life you should be living is the life you are living… If you are following your bliss, you’re enjoying that snack, that life inside of you, all the time.” To experience bliss is to be aware of the underlying beauty and meaning found in life, no matter what the circumstances.

Website design By BotEap.comAnother way I live consciously is through my use of intention. I have been using the power of intention ever since I learned about the Abraham-Hicks teachings found on over eleven years ago. I see intention work as a kind of traffic cop for energy, directing it and using my focused awareness to bring about positive change in my life and the world around me.

Website design By BotEap.comMy use of intention has brought the right people into my life at the right time; it helped me to see all my work as something spiritual, it allowed me to develop divine relationships; and helped me gain a greater sense of well-being. I feel empowered in my life by seeing where my intentions have taken me.

Website design By BotEap.comThere is so much beauty and love to see when I slow down enough to be mindful. One intention that has been manifested to me is the opportunity to spend time with teachers, coaches and mentors. By spending time in silence, following my happiness, and using positive intention, I can connect with life like never before. I hope the rest of my life unfolds in a way that helps me continue to grow and serve with love and conscience!

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