Create a world of love: your thoughts can make it happen

Website design By BotEap.comDid you know that you can really change the world with your thoughts? While we all know that life is best lived with a loving and positive attitude, did you notice that your thoughts actually send real energy out into the world and make changes there?

Website design By BotEap.comPeople used to believe that their thoughts and consciousness were limited to their physical bodies. However, with the discovery of Quantum Physics in the 20th century, it was found that simply by looking at light or electrons, the presence of our consciousness changed their behavior. If you are interested in the details, look for the Double slit experiment. Since then, many experiments have been conducted on the effect of human consciousness.

Website design By BotEap.comscientific proof

Website design By BotEap.comHere is just one example of a scientific study on the power of human consciousness.

Website design By BotEap.comA scientist named William Braud conducted experiments in the late 20th century to investigate whether human consciousness could affect other living things. He had already successfully shown that humans could influence the speed of gerbils running on wheels and could protect the membranes of red blood cells, preventing them from bursting when placed in a strong salt solution.

Website design By BotEap.comHe devised an experiment to see if a person could affect another person’s body remotely. A volunteer test subject was isolated in a room and hooked up to what was essentially a lie detector. This equipment measured changes in the body that correspond to stress: for example, the electrical conductivity of the skin. When under stress, the sympathetic nervous system triggers sweating which changes the conductivity of the skin. In this way, Braud could scientifically measure whether his test subject was relaxed or under stress. The video cameras allowed someone in another room to watch the test subject. A second volunteer was then instructed to watch the test subject on the video monitor. There was no way for the test subject to know when he was being watched on the monitor. Braud’s results showed that the test subject’s stress increased significantly while they were looking at him and decreased when he stopped looking.

Website design By BotEap.comIn the second part of the experiment, Braud had two strangers talk, get to know each other, and look into each other’s eyes on purpose. This resulted in them forming an emotional and energetic bond. He then repeated the experiment with these people. Surprisingly, when the test subject was observed remotely this time, his stress levels dropped dramatically. The emotional bond had the effect of making the gaze pleasurable for the subject, and even when done remotely on a video monitor, his body felt the results and responded accordingly.

Website design By BotEap.comWhat does this mean for us?

Website design By BotEap.comThink of the amazing consequences of these results! Your conscious intention can really change the world. It has been scientifically proven that your thoughts can remotely change the physiology of another human being. The next time someone tells you that distance healing is impossible, tell them about William Braud’s experiment! It shows that his consciousness extends beyond the limits of his physical body and that he can make measurable physical changes in the world.

Website design By BotEap.comYou can program your environment

Website design By BotEap.comYou can test this for yourself by setting a room to different energies. The best thing to do is set up the room while it’s empty without telling anyone. Then, when your friends or family members enter the room, observe their behavior.

Website design By BotEap.comStand in the middle of the room and close your eyes. Imagine the energy centers at the top of your head and at the bottom of your feet opening up and connecting you with the energy of the Universe above and the Earth below. Now mentally focus on a horrible energy: mentally tell the room how disgusting and unhealthy it is, how full of hate and garbage. Really focus on sending out that horrible energy. Imagine that unpleasant energy coming out of your thoughts, programming the room. Now go out of the room, let other people in and see how they behave. You will find that they are irritable, argumentative and stressed. They may even have headaches!

Website design By BotEap.comIt is important not to leave the room like this for a long time! Once you have seen the effects for yourself, go back into the room and replace the negative energies with beneficial ones.

Website design By BotEap.comTo do this, imagine a beautiful pink and gold light in your heart. As you breathe, feel the light expand and get brighter and brighter. Let it expand outside your body to connect you with the unconditional love of the Universe. Now mentally command that the wondrous energy of unconditional love fill every atom and molecule in the room. Visualize or imagine pink and gold energy flowing from your heart and completely filling the room. Make sure all corners are filled and then let people back inside. Now when people walk into the room they will be much calmer, happier and get along better.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you schedule your room with unconditional love like this in the morning, you’ll have a much less stressful day. This technique is a wonderful tool for mothers, babysitters, and teachers!

Website design By BotEap.comA new world!

Website design By BotEap.comImagine how different the world would be if we all intentionally sent the energies of unconditional love into our daily lives. Think of the effect it could have on war-torn regions of the world.

Website design By BotEap.comOnce we understand how powerful our thoughts and intentions really are, and truly believe in that power, we can not only heal our own lives, but also transform the world!

Website design By[William Braud’s experiment is published in the Journal of Parapsychology, 1993, vol. 57, 391-409]

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