Discussing climate change from a denier’s perspective

Website design By BotEap.comClimate change and global warming alarmists tell us that we are deniers if we dare to question their science, research, or political attempt to hijack the world’s economies and eliminate the use of fossil fuels. We are told that we are in the pockets of the oil companies, that we do not care about the planet and that we ignore the scope of the real problem. Of course, such criticisms don’t even come close to reality, it’s just that we see data manipulation, wrong assumptions, and the demonization of an atmospheric tracer gas.

Website design By BotEap.comAbout the time of the COP21 of the Climate Change Summit in Paris, France, the Wall Street Journal had an interesting article titled; “Climate Experts Question Temperature Benchmarks” by Guatam Naik, published on November 30, 2015, which noted that many highly esteemed climate scientists question the IPCC’s attempt to legislate climate warming to no more than 2 degrees, as if the Earth is listening to your BS. Turns out the climate deal that came out of that conference was decided at 1.5 degrees, yes, even more absurd.

Website design By BotEap.comThe reality is that we can’t even trust science to tell us that CO2 is the problem. For example, we cannot rely on ice core samples as a measure of global average CO2 over previous periods. Most geologists who study this know this. By the way, those who say that the deniers are not climate scientists and that only “climate scientists” are capable of a solid interpretation of the theory fail to see that the “AGW” theory itself is based on all sorts of other types. of Science; Geologists for ice cores, biologists for studying tree rings, coral reefs, jellyfish, oceanography for ocean flows, meteorologists for jet streams, El Niño, heck, the list is so long I can’t even write this whole chart without running. . without space.

Website design By BotEap.comOh, and before we forget, 97% of scientists disagree with the science of global warming that the IPCC has extended beyond reality. Simply because humanity’s CO2 is negligible, there is also a lag in absorbing availability, and CO2 seems to follow the increase in heat, and not the other way around anyway. I dismiss CO2 as the spanking boy – Dear global warming alarmists – try again or go. And, yes, CO2 has risen since 1958 to the values ​​I declare (400 ppm), but a big deal, so what! This is a very small moment in Earth’s history, there are constant fluctuations, and that’s to be expected.

Website design By BotEap.comClimate change has been going on for 4.5 billion years, how can humanity be so arrogant as to believe that it can change, change itself? After all, as Einstein said, “change is the only constant”, so get over it now, the IPCC didn’t even need it. Think about this.

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