Dog Boredom: Easy Solutions and Tools

Website design By BotEap.comDog boredom affects many pets when left home alone, but in the crazy world we live in today with work, school, and activities just don’t allow your dog to accompany you everywhere you go. the ones that go Unfortunately, this leaves many dogs home alone and bored. How do you know if your dog is bored? There are many warning signs.

  • go out or go home – if your dog is shaking, shaking, drooling excessively or even hyperventilating, then you have a serious boredom and anxiety problem with your dog.
  • path of destruction – When you get home, there is a path of destruction that includes chewed up furniture, ripped clothes, or the contents of the trash can hung all over the house.
  • accidents – They are urinating or leaving feces in the house. Some highly anxious dogs will also vomit in the house.
  • hate mail – Do your neighbors leave horrible messages on your answering machine or stick notes on your door complaining about the barking or whining while you were gone?
  • Outdoor – Is your dog digging giant holes in China while you’re gone or maybe he’s become an amazing escape artist and sneaks out of the yard while you’re at work? If they’ve chewed up all the garden tools, sprinklers, and patio furniture he owns, then he definitely has a bored dog outside.
Website design By BotEap.comIf your dog exhibits any of these behaviors, you definitely have a canine boredom problem. The next step is understand your boredom and find solutions to occupy their time while you are away. Many pet owners feel bad about leaving their dog’s home alone, but just don’t know what to do about it.

Website design By BotEap.comwhere to start

Website design By BotEap.comStart by telling yourself that it’s okay to leave your dog home alone, but it’s your responsibility to give him the tools to spend his time productively. What many pet owners don’t realize is that the destructive and anxiety-filled behavior their dog exhibits often occurs within the first thirty minutes of leaving the house.

Website design By BotEap.comMany dogs have a hard time coping with boredom and separation anxiety, and you must find multiple ways to calm and distract them to alleviate this behavior. It is important to note that dogs do not become destructive or pee on the ground to hurt you or cause a reaction from you. This behavior is triggered by boredom and anxiety.

Website design By BotEap.comDogs are not intentionally out to be naughty or “get back” at you for leaving them alone. They simply require stimulation to keep them entertained and active to prevent this destructive behavior.

Website design By BotEap.comFind activities for your dog

Website design By BotEap.comThe next step is to find fun, exciting, and entertaining activities that give your dog the stimulation he needs to start avoiding and even defeating boredom and anxiety issues. Every dog ​​is different and has different likes and dislikes, so use the suggestions below as a starting point, and then expand with your own experience and knowledge of your dog.

  • working out – Now making sure your dog gets plenty of exercise is extremely important, but the goal you are looking for is to stimulate him in the area where he will be located during your absence. Whether inside the house or in the backyard, focusing on his location is key. Turn that space into a play yard for pups that they’ll be excited to use.
  • Games – You can find dozens of fun games that you can play with your dog or teach him to play alone. A great activity is a version of hide and seek. Grab some low calorie treats or even some of your dog food and hide them around the room or on the patio. The first few times you play, you want your dog to be a part of the hiding process so he understands and sees that you are hiding food from him. That way they will know how to find it. He never hides in hard to reach places, just place them all over the room. The point is that they find them quite easy and keep them active and entertained.
  • Toys – There are some incredibly fun toys available today that can hold a dog’s attention for long periods of time. One of my dog’s favorites are dog toys that you can fill with treats or food. Put some peanut butter inside one of these toys and your dog will work for hours to get every last drop out. Our other favorite is the new Crazy Critters or the free stuffing toys. My Maddie can destroy a new chew toy in a day or two if it’s not up to scratch, but we’ve had our Crazy Critters toy for just over three months and both dogs are now managing to break it down. This is their favorite toy and they play with it every day. His favorite game is tug of war, but they both play it individually as well. This toy is washable, strong and durable and leaves no stuffing all over the floor! There are many, many other toy options. Buy an assortment and see what your dog really likes.
  • balls – I suppose that the balls are technically a toy too, but in my house the balls rule. No matter what type of ball it is, Rodeo will play with it and officially claim it as their own! He will play ball for hours with us or alone. My daughter’s dog loves to toss the ball in the air by itself and chase it. Never underestimate the value of a simple ball to keep your dog active.
  • frozen treats – Try freezing pet milk, soup or broth for your dog and leave the frozen block in a container when you leave. As they melt, they are a tempting treat that you will continue to work on until fully thawed.
  • Dog daycare – If you’ve tried and tested multiple activities and your dog just can’t be left alone, doggy daycare is a great alternative. They take walks, play games, receive treats, and a host of other activities to help entertain your dog throughout the day.
  • dog walkers – Hiring a dog walker to come by the house and walk your dog every day is a great way to break up the day for your dog. It gives them exercise and outside stimulation. If your dog is an outdoor dog, consider asking the dog walker to spend some of the time in the backyard playing games. This will give your dog a companion and reinforce the fun of the space.
  • Companion dogs or an elderly companion – You might consider bringing another dog into the house as a companion, but this doesn’t always work and can even make the problem worse if your dog doesn’t want another dog around. Try inviting a friend and your dog over first a few times to see how your dog reacts to another dog before making that decision. Another option that caught my attention recently was that of elderly companions. The idea is to find an older person who loves animals and would also benefit from daily companionship. Try your neighbors or check with your friends about possible candidates. You can also check with some retirement centers to see if they have an animal program for your dog to come visit on certain days of the week. Dogs are very sensitive and seem to know the difference between people when it comes to children and the elderly. My dog ​​Rodeo is extremely active being a Border Collie, but last Christmas I watched him play catch with my grandmother, who is in her 90s, and he would gently return the ball to her each time and place it on her lap. She loved it and then I realized that not only Rodeo had been stimulated, but also my grandmother physically throwing the ball and conversing with Rodeo. What a great moment!
  • Dog Sitter DVD’s: This is something I came across recently, but I think it’s a great idea. Many people use the radio or television by leaving it on when they go out to help their dog with boredom and panic attacks. However, now you can go one step further by using a dog sitting DVD. The dog sitter DVDs I watched offered a great way to not only stimulate your dog physically but also mentally. The video contains sounds that only your dog can hear, and often includes various animals such as birds, raccoons, and squirrels to stimulate your dog. They offer your dog a virtual outdoors with lots of animal friends to help him not feel lonely. There were many to choose from and I plan to try this on my own dogs.
Website design By BotEap.comFighting dog boredom and anxiety seems overwhelming and even impossible when faced with a destructive scene and an unhappy dog, but with a few simple tools and a little time and effort on your part, you can give your dog lots of exciting things. and stimulating. make Imagine the difference of coming home to a nice, quiet, clean house and a happy dog.

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