Gary Neuman and Oprah help him prepare his affair-proof marriage

Website design By BotEap.comOprah Guest Mr. Gary Neuman is a licensed marriage counselor who specializes in helping couples cope with infidelity. Neuman did extensive research on infidelity and published his own report, The truth about cheatingas a tool for women to discover how or why their husbands are cheating on them, as well as to inspire change in troubled marriages.

Website design By BotEap.comNeuman’s research revealed that 93 percent of husbands would not volunteer to participate in an affair with their wives. Their research also showed that it was not sex that caused husbands to cheat, but appreciation, or lack thereof, from their wives, a hard pill to swallow for a betrayed spouse already dealing with the pain of discovery. However, Neuman is not demonizing or blaming betrayed women, rather he seeks to take no prisoners.

Website design By“[The Truth About Cheating] it’s about empowering women,” says Gary. “It’s not about making your man happy and pleasing him. It’s about bringing out the best in your husband so that you receive a lot of love and affection, which is what you want out of this marriage.”

Website design By BotEap.comIn a follow-up appearance on Oprah, Neuman provided couples with three keys to protecting their marriage: more sex, more appreciation, and more communication.

Website design By BotEap.com1. According to Gary’s research, appreciation is the number one way to prevent infidelity. “That’s what the men reported,” he says. “Men said that what they got most from the other woman, first and foremost in her mind, was a feeling of appreciation and admiration.” When you recognize your husband’s efforts, Gary says you’ll get the same in return. “It’s lovely to think that we should appreciate our spouses. Love them, not just for the extra things they do, but for all the hard work we do,” he says. “The more you give it that appreciation, it will come back to you.”

Website design By BotEap.comWe agree with this sentiment. The first thing people do when they meet someone they like is show appreciation. The person may provide positive words, looks, and attention, all of which convey grateful appreciation that the other person is taking the time to interact or do things with them. When you’re married or engaged to someone, things aren’t always perfect, and there are times when that person can be your last nerve.

Website design By BotEap.comOur suggestion is simple: Be positive. The best way to change anyone’s behavior is to show him what he’s doing right and encourage him to keep acting like it. This is known as positive reinforcement. Be sure to magnify the positive aspects of your spouse’s actions, even when there is conflict. Showing your husband that you really see and appreciate the good things he does, like putting the kids to bed on time or giving you regular foot massages, makes him more likely to continue doing the things you love and to look forward to it. for decreasing his no. -Such lovely behaviour.

Website design By BotEap.comNow, some women think that there is no point in thanking a man for doing something he is supposed to do. While this may seem pointless, we all love to be showered with appreciation and recognition for all of our hard work, whether we’re supposed to or not. We don’t see any mother complaining when they receive thank you cards and letters on Mother’s Day, right? So why shouldn’t we extend gratitude and love to the man in our life who helps ease the load, even if he’s just taking out the trash and kissing the occasional boo-boo? A little love and appreciation sweetens the deal for the happy, loving couple.

Website design By BotEap.com2. The second way to stay connected with your spouse is to have more sex and embrace intimacy. “It’s about how you can get so much more pleasure out of sex. I think a lot of women don’t enjoy sex as much because they have a hard time receiving pleasure. Men are much better at it,” says Gary. “You have to get better at receiving and taking kindness and pleasure for yourself.”

Website design By BotEap.comSex is the highest and most physically involved form of intimacy there is. Most men claim to know that their wives are just as excited about sex as they are about increasing the pleasure of the sexual experience.

Website design By BotEap.comThe fastest way to add more sex to your day is to wake up your husband 30 minutes before the alarm goes off for a morning quickie. Nothing puts a man in a better mood than spontaneous sex in the morning. It will put a smile on his face and rock him for the rest of his day. If you’re not up for sex, a little oral in the morning will do the trick, or some intense foreplay as well. Try to do this before the children get up.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you don’t like sex because you don’t get much pleasure from it, then do some research to increase your orgasmic potential. Your local library or bookstore has a variety of books especially suited to teaching women how to discover their own sexual potential, either alone or with a partner. If you’re still a bit shy about getting these materials in person, check out the selection at an online bookstore or browse various websites. Experiment with different forms of masturbation and find out where your erogenous zones are. After you know exactly where you want to be touched, show your husband where and how to touch you. After all, men are reported to enjoy sex more when they know how to send their wives sky high!

Website design By BotEap.com3. The third thing to remember is that you have the right to have a conversation about cheating. Gary’s research shows that 77 percent of cheaters said they had best friends who cheated on them, compared to less than 50 percent of the faithful group.

Website design By BotEap.comIn a strong relationship, no topic should be off limits for discussion, whether you’re suspicious of your partner or not, so we’re okay with this. Honestly speaking, a trustworthy partner who has nothing to hide will be upfront about the things he does and the places he goes with his friends when you’re not around. While you may not like his friends’ actions and lifestyle, the truth is that you shouldn’t approve of them and shouldn’t worry as long as your husband continues to show you love and respect within your sacred marriage.

Website design By BotEap.comNow, if your husband has been acting questionably and you believe his friends are a bad influence, we encourage you to create an open dialogue to deal with him before going to extremes, including preventing him from seeing his friends. . Forbidding someone from seeing or dealing with friends they don’t trust will not solve the problem, but rather may deepen it, since people have been known to do exactly the things they are told not to do. Trying to “forbid” your spouse from seeing key people in your life also shows that he doesn’t trust them. Also, you will not only feel foolish when he disobeys, but also like you no longer have any control, when the truth is that you can only control yourself.

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