guided spirit images

Website design By BotEap.comGrieving the death of a loved one is the most difficult and challenging part of anyone’s life. Everyone at some point in their life will experience and have to deal with the loss caused by the death of a loved one.

Website design By BotEap.comThe death of a loved one produces symptoms of grievance. The symptoms affect all aspects of the body, mind and spirit. These symptoms include loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, development of stress-related illnesses, guilt, frustration, anger, depression, withdrawal, and disconnection from others.

Website design By BotEap.comMany people were hoping for the opportunity to meet and interact with a deceased loved one. Spirit-led imagery can provide this hope. People traditionally believe that death is final and that a person can no longer interact with a deceased loved one. However, the Spirit Guided Visualization process works differently than the traditional belief system. Addresses the survival of consciousness after physical death. It allows a person to communicate with a deceased loved one on a different level of consciousness.

Website design By BotEap.comAt that level, a person can communicate and interact with a deceased loved one. This profound event affects and changes all aspects of a person’s body, mind and spirit. As a result, symptoms of distress are reduced and the person can recover more quickly from grief.

Website design By BotEap.comThe induction process begins with bodywork and is followed by guided relaxation and imagery. When the state of relaxation between alpha and theta is reached, the person is guided to encounter the spiritual image of a deceased loved one. Follows the communication and interaction between a person and a deceased loved one, which causes emotional discharges and puts an end to the symptoms of suffering.

Website design By BotEap.comSpirit-guided imagery complements grievance counseling and support groups and is a complementary technique. It is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment. Guided spirit images are not appropriate for complicated grievance situations, specific mental health illnesses, or traditional belief systems. These individuals should be referred to an appropriate health care provider.

Website design By BotEap.comThe facilitator leading the session should have experience managing grief, running a guided imagery session, and using the 14 purging pressure points or other bodywork techniques. The proper application of this knowledge and these techniques by a facilitator helps reduce stress and anxiety and further promotes relaxation of the mind and body. A facilitator should have a list of available referral resources for counseling and support groups.

Website design By BotEap.comIn short, spirit guided images allow a person to interact with a deceased loved one. It provides bonds and opportunities for interaction between a person and a deceased loved one. It helps a bereaved person to reduce the symptoms of distress and move on with their life.

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