How to Avoid Kamagra Side Effects

Kamagra Side Effects

Kamagra is the generic name for Viagra, the most popular and well known male sexual enhancement medication. However, not all of its users are happy with the side effects. There are more than a few reported side effects with Viagra and they are anything but positive. One of the most common Kamagra side effects is dryness of the penis. If you notice that your erectile dysfunction has become significantly worse because you took too much of this tablet, then you may want to discontinue using it and seek out another treatment option.

The other most common side effects associated with the drug are listed below. Some individuals have reported experiencing dizziness, upset stomach, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, and nasal congestion. These side effects tend to occur more frequently in older men and some of them last for several hours or longer. In some cases, these adverse reactions cause temporary tingling or numbness in the hands or legs. If you experience any of the above-mentioned side effects, then you should discontinue use immediately and contact your doctor.

One of the most serious adverse reactions to the drug is called priapism. Priapism is the condition wherein a person cannot get an erection because of the side effects caused by the drug. A man who suffers from priapism will often hear his doctor tells him that he is suffering from “low blood pressure.” However, if the man has been taking the drug for an extended period of time, he may end up feeling dizzy because he is not being given enough of the right medication.

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How to Avoid Kamagra Side Effects

Another of the more serious Kamagra side effects is referred to as erectile dysfunction, which refers to a condition where a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection long enough to complete sex. Erectile dysfunction can also lead to sexual impotency, which means that a man is unable to achieve an erection when it comes to sexual performance. Some of the more common drugs used in the treatment for erectile dysfunction include the beta-blockers HRT (hormone therapy) and PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid). However, even with these medications, patients run the risk of serious side effects that can lead to life-threatening situations.

One of the worst-case scenarios is called erectile dysfunction associated with the active ingredient known as epimedium. This is also called “horny goat weed,” or “truth herb.” It is actually a dangerous drug, which causes multiple side effects including serious cardiovascular problems, stroke, seizures, coma, and even death. A significant amount of the epimedium found on counterfeit Kamagra tablets also contains hydrocyanic acid, which is a highly toxic substance. Even if a customer purchases an erectile dysfunction treatment from a legitimate company, he is running a huge risk of getting his body harmed by this dangerous chemical.

Another rare side effects from counterfeit medicines are known as the rebound effect. This is caused when a person who takes the active ingredient of the counterfeit drug begins experiencing negative side effects after stopping the medicine. The main reason why this happens is because the body begins to produce more of the substance needed to counter the effects of the medicines. This increases the blood pressure in the user, which may increase the heart risks and put his life at risk.

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