How to Create the Momentum It Takes to Win at a Home Business

Website design By BotEap.comHave you ever really thought about what drives some people to do extraordinary things? What is it that gives people the courage to just do it no matter what, to have a residual income of freedom and choice in life?

Website design By BotEap.comThis is the secret to success in network marketing. Drive is the “fuel” that makes people do the things that build a home based business, a desire strong enough to overcome obstacles. Each of us has the ability to succeed in building a long-term, sustainable residual income on a part-time or full-time basis. It’s simply a matter of sharing our program with enough of the right people to build a good team of like-minded people.

Website design By BotEap.comBuilding Residual Income – So how do you help each other build your desire to succeed? Yager was always talking about the “Dream” and he was obviously on the right track. However, many people are turned off by “dream building” type talk and trips to car parks to see expensive cars. I know I got tired of all the hype.

Website design By BotEap.comBut somewhere within us there must be a dream, a desire, something to hold on to and reach for to remain persistent and focused on building an income to have choices in life. Something must make us desperate enough to change our circumstances. People who don’t want it bad enough don’t get it. Being desperate enough to find a way to change and being inspired to do so.

Website design By BotEap.comMany of us have written about “WHY” we do this business. Therein lies the secret to our success in building a free residual income. Our dream or our why that drives us, something we want so much that we find the courage to overcome doubt and fear and push ourselves to do whatever it takes, as long as it is done in an ethical and honest way, of course.

Website design By BotEap.comThe building blocks to building a home-based business and residual income. Every book talks about it, every starter kit has a section, most of us have even written about it and we’ve all read something about building our “WHY”. We know that everyone who was ever successful in our industry had a very clearly defined reason for doing so. This is my question. Have you REALLY taken the time to think about it clearly and have you written it down to review it often? In my opinion, spending a few hours alone, exploring our thoughts very clearly and making a decision about what it is that we really want to achieve and why, will be the best investment of time any of us will make.

Website design By BotEap.comThings change all the time, life gets in the way, etc. in building a healthy residual income. One tip when life gets in the way, examine your goals and see if they’re on the same page as your WHY. Spend time with yourself and think clearly about your goals. Make sure they are yours and not planted by someone else. Make sure you feel them and get excited about getting them. Overcoming fear and doubt is a battle over the emotions and is not always logical. An emotional WHY is our greatest weapon. Even if you’ve done this process before, it’s good to review it regularly and make sure it’s front and center in your thoughts 24/7 if you want long-term freedom residual income.

Website design By BotEap.comCheck your goals and your WHY – it just makes sense!

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