How to make organic soap, free of irritants and industrial chemicals

Website design By BotEap.comIt seems that you, like many people today, are thinking about making your own soap to avoid the dangerous chemicals in industrially produced soaps. It’s a goal worth striving for, as almost everyone I know who has tried homemade soap doesn’t want to go back to store-bought soaps, ever. Here’s how to make organic soap in the comfort of your own home.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you omit all the additional ingredients that go into a complete homemade soap project, such as essences, etc., then the soap can be made by mixing lye (also known as sodium hydroxide, a naturally occurring chemical) with different fats and oils. This is called cold process soap making because the mixing is done only slightly above room temperature, just enough for the fats to melt.

Website design By BotEap.comBefore you begin, you need to prepare a lye solution by mixing the lye with the appropriate amount of water. Since this starts a chemical process, the solution heats up and must be given time to cool to room temperature.

Website design By BotEap.comMost of the initial hassle of starting soap making is buying or making the tools. You will need a mold to hold the liquid soap, a pot to melt the ingredients, a pitcher to hold the lye solution, a candy thermometer to accurately measure, etc. A stick mixer is also essential for mixing the ingredients; this can help you achieve traces in five minutes, while mixing with a spoon could take two hours!

Website design By BotEap.comKeep in mind that lye is caustic and can burn your skin when spilled. Learning to handle lye safely is the hardest part of learning how to make organic soap, and you should wear rubber gloves and plastic goggles while doing it.

Website design By BotEap.comBut once you feel confident with the bleach, don’t delay in getting started! Look at all the things you already have in your kitchen that you could use for this purpose, and buy any extras you need.

Website design By BotEap.comThen you just need to find a recipe that you like: different oils and different amounts of these will give you all kinds of soaps, less or more lather, moisturizing or not, etc. Go buy the ingredients and remember to check the labels to make sure they are organic.

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