Large and swollen nipples: help and advice from a fitness professional

Website design By BotEap.combig puffy nipples [or areolae in medical terms] they are one of the most common manifestations of the condition known as gynecomastia. The word itself is of Greek origin, as many medical and biological terms are:

  • ‘gyne’ = woman
  • ‘mastos’ = chest.
Website design By BotEap.comIt is quite common in males from puberty to old age and regardless of the age of the individual, it causes a lot of mental anguish and embarrassment. I know this firsthand from my work as a fitness instructor, having been involved from encouraging a man to see his doctor so he can get a diagnosis to helping a man after diagnosis, particularly with exercise programs and nutritional advice. .

Website design By BotEap.comI know it is difficult for many men, regardless of their age, to discuss their large swollen nipples, even with a fitness professional like myself, but it is very important that a client do this because then I can help them on a defined course of action. It is vital that the client get a professional diagnosis and any advice and encouragement from someone like me is not only good but necessary. So I repeat… the First What anyone with the condition should do is make an appointment with their doctor first. I may be biased but the second What a man should do is see a fitness professional!

Website design By BotEap.comFor those adolescent males who do have the problem, the good news is that 93% will see it go away within 3 years, once hormones stabilize. For the 7% where the problem remains, the cause will be fairly easy for your doctor to identify. The remedies may either be adjustments of a dietary or lifestyle nature or medical measures to address the hormone imbalance lying at the root of those big swollen nipples.

Website design By BotEap.comThe two hormones involved are Androgen and Estrogen, with Estrogen being the feminizing one and therefore present in too large an amount compared to the Androgen hormone. In other words, the normal balance of the two hormones is disturbed.

Website design By BotEap.comIn more mature males, more possible causes come into play:

  • Some drugs/medications prescribed for other problems can cause a hormonal imbalance. Again, a doctor will be able to rectify this.
  • anabolic steroids abuse will do the same. My advice is to never take any of those substances in an effort to achieve rapid muscle gains and turn a deaf ear to any of your peers who tell you it’s okay to do so. There have been many cases of bodybuilders not only developing swollen nipples but having to resort to surgery to remove the excess growth of glandular tissue!
  • Marijuana abuse will also cause a hormonal imbalance that will result in feminine-looking breast tissue, particularly under the areolas. My advice to the small number of people I’ve encountered at the gym who smoke cannabis has always been to seek help to quit weed. In the UK we have lots of people who can help, from doctors to specialist advisers, and all Western countries have a lot of help available. I for one know from experience that getting a man on a regular exercise program will help tremendously, as the body produces its own “feel good” substances called endorphins, which help suppress the craving for cannabis.
  • Alcohol in excessive amounts it will do the same. What is an excess amount? A maximum of 25 units of alcohol per week is considered the safe limit for men, being a half pint of beer/lager or a small glass of wine. So enjoy a drink but don’t overdo it!
  • The aging process it can cause a hormonal imbalance that results in gynecomastia. Therefore, everyone over 60 should be aware of this and try not to be overweight, not consume too much alcohol and exercise regularly, requiring both cardiovascular and resistance work. Most gyms encourage seniors with reduced rates, so take advantage!
Website design By BotEap.comThere are many other possible causes, some serious in themselves, where gynecomastia is an added effect. These are covered elsewhere on my website, but the above tend to be the most common causes of large, puffy nipples.

Website design By BotEap.comMany men try to hide their condition by adopting bad postures, wearing baggy t-shirts, sweaters, etc. Some even spend $100 to $200 dollars [or more] in compression garments worn under these. In fact, there are literally dozens of manufacturers of such underwear! It’s your choice if you want to go this route, but my advice here is to consider these garments as a temporary measure. Here are five tips to keep in mind when shopping for compression underwear:

  • Make sure that the fabric of the garment is of the three-dimensional stretch type.
  • Make sure the garment is made from ‘lycrasoft’ or ‘tactel’ blends for softness and therefore comfort.
  • Make sure the fabric is ‘breathable’, allowing moisture to be absorbed and air to enter.
  • Make sure the fabric has a built-in antimicrobial feature to prevent the growth of bacteria, fungus, and mold.
  • Make sure the garments are of good quality to withstand at least 30 extreme washes.
Website design By BotEap.comHowever, sooner or later corrective measures must be taken and the good news is that other natural and drug-free approaches are now available. I have researched many of these over the past two years and include the best ones on my website, along with much more information for those men with large, puffy nipples.

Website design By BotEap.comI hope you find the help and tips above useful and remember that you not you have to resort to expensive surgery!

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