Shy Bladder Remedies – Can Paruresis Be Cured?

Website design By BotEap.comShy bladder is a form of anxiety disorder (either real or imagined) whereby one is unable to urinate in the presence of other people, commonly in public urinals. This type of disorder affects a large number of people today. There are a number of known remedies for this condition.

Website design By BotEap.comGraduated exposure therapy is a remedy that consists of a slow increase in the exposure of the affected person to his paruresis. For example, in this case, the patient will expose himself to the risk of urinating in public places, such as using public urinals, so that her mind gets used to the idea and therefore begins to deal with the problem. Such therapy should always start at low intensity levels and gradually increase over time to achieve the desired results. Many doctors recommend this form of treatment to their patients.

Website design By BotEap.comSelf-catheterization: Some people with shy bladders resort to this method to make sure it doesn’t interfere with their daily routines. Patients using this method may go to school, travel long distances, or even work full time. As a result, most paruretics can prevent the embarrassment that comes with this condition. It is also worth noting that a patient using this method can interact with the rest of society in a shorter time than with the other methods we have discussed. However, it is important that before resorting to this method, you consult your doctor about the finer details of what is involved.

Website design By BotEap.comMedical treatment is another recommended option when it comes to shy bladder. Doctors regularly recommend antidepressant treatment to patients in many cases. This is because shy bladder is a psychological problem and therefore trying to relieve stress from the brain offers a good avenue to treat the whole problem. There are several brand-name prescription medications available, and your doctor will be able to advise you which one is best for you. In extreme cases, sedatives may be recommended to help your body get enough rest and thus relieve your bladder.

Website design By BotEap.comThere are various herbal remedies for shy bladder that are widely accredited throughout the world. Resorting to this form of treatment may involve some trial and error until you find a remedy that works well for you. Let us now look at some of the most recommended herbal remedies for shy bladder.

Website design By BotEap.comKavaKava is an herbal extract that comes from piper methysticum, a plant grown in Polynesia. This plant is highly praised for its ability to reduce anxiety and stress. However, caution should be exercised when using this remedy, especially due to the fact that it releases toxic substances that pose a threat to the liver.

Website design By BotEap.comSt. John’s wort is another herbal remedy. It is obtained from the hypericum perforatum plant. This remedy is highly praised due to its ability to influence a person’s mood. Studies have also shown that taking St. Johns Wort helps to substantially control a shy bladder.

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