Spring brings new growth – what do you stand for?

Website design By BotEap.comDaffodils flaunt their yellow faces on their green stems. Some of the first flowers of the season. Dandelions appear in full force, reclaiming their space on the lawn. The leaves open from protrusions on the branches. The first day of spring has passed. Some plants are slower and the shoots just stick out of the ground. Raspberry plants are green in color with little sign of the delicious fruit they will bear. It is the time for growth and renewal. It is visible in the gardens and plants. That external growth is showing. It comes from the energy stored during the winter. Perennials emerge from last year. The plants are sprouting.

Website design By BotEap.comPlants just grow. Without thinking. People grow too. Unlike plants, people think about growing. More than storing winter energy.

Website design By BotEap.comProductive people are obvious. Their results show. Workplace managers notice and recognize producers, reinforcing the productive example. What differentiates the superior producers from the inferior ones? Senior producers are more clear about what they would like and focus on where they are going. They think about what they are doing.

Website design By BotEap.comRare is a person who is simply on top of a mountain. People decide to climb mountains. They plan the trip. They then proceed to the mountain. Step by Step. Carefully traversing some slopes and heading straight for other slopes. These climbers are clear about where they are going. To the top. Obstacles appear. They change the route. The destination remains the same. The top. These people have a well thought out plan. They get where they would like to go. They arrive because they make the decision to arrive. They choose to go to the top.

Website design By BotEap.comPlants grow and flourish without thinking. However, people have a choice. It is an option to be more productive. It is a choice what kind of fruit to bear. Some people are motivated. Bill Gates changed the way we do things with a computer on so many desks. People choose the results they would like. Thomas Edison chose to create a light bulb. Many unsuccessful efforts were necessary. People clear up. Arnold Schwarzenegger clarified about serving in public office. People select at the destination. Lewis and Clark kept going until they reached the ocean. People move towards that destination until they get there. Sounds simple. It is simple. However, it is not easy at all! It starts out clearly. Take the time to get clarity. This comes in the form of vision. Determination is needed. It takes perseverance. Tenacity is needed.

Website design By BotEap.comThinking with intention leads to the path that leads to vision. Remember, there is assistance along the way. There is assistance to facilitate travel. For example, adult learning programs can offer useful tools. Additionally, mentors provide the voice of experience. Additionally, coaches offer clarity, focus, life skills, and feedback. Choose assistance to make the trip more conscious. Take advantage of spring to pursue your growth and renewal.

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