Steps for people re-entering the dating field – Step 1, Start off right

Website design By BotEap.comReady, Set, Go! The runners shoot off the starting line. Now, while you’re on the sidelines, this isn’t hard for those of you who are mere spectators, because you didn’t see all the training and hard work the runners put into preparing for the competition. Often, I run into my married friends asking me about my sexual prowess and ability to meet women. There’s no trick behind it, it’s just a lot of trial and error over the years. I’d like to help those of you get a 6 month head start on your learning curve, whether you’ve been out of the dating game for a while, or maybe you’ve been in it for a while and don’t seem to have had success.

Website design By BotEap.comThere are some social reforms that have taken place in America in the last twenty years, and without being aware of those changes, dating can be a bit awkward. So, to go on and warn you, this is not a quantum leap into bed with your soulmate, but rather a journey through personal growth and discovery that may show you that you are not looking for the kind of person you thought you were.

Website design By BotEap.comSo as we start looking for who you want, you must first ask yourself, who are you? Many people don’t realize that the conditions must first be right in order to date. Ask yourself these questions:

Website design By BotEap.com1) Are you employed or self-employed and earn an income where you can save 50% of your net income every month?

Website design By BotEap.com2) Do you have a car that starts every time you turn the key?

Website design By BotEap.com3) Do you live in a house that you wouldn’t mind bringing a stranger with you?

Website design By BotEap.com4) Who do you live with?

Website design By BotEap.comWhy am I asking these simple questions? I’ll explain it quickly, but this is not the point of this article. For one thing, dating can be as expensive or cheap as you want. However, being able to pay for half the matches will make both parties feel better. I, as a man, love to pay for dates, however, if the woman has NO intention of paying for anything, she starts to question her problems. If a man and woman have agreed to a second date, regardless of who asks, they should offer to pay for at least part of the date. If my date says, “I’ll pay for dinner,” then I can reply, “Okay, but I’d like to buy our drinks at the club,” if there’s going to be a twist around dancing. club. In this way, the financial stress of dating is removed.

Website design By BotEap.comAre you a slave to public transport? Some city dwellers have become so dependent on public transportation that they refrain from owning a vehicle in the first place. With the rising cost of fuel, this seems like a good idea. However, if your date gets it into her head that she’s going to have to drive you across the country, the number of dates before your ship sinks can quickly dwindle. If you’re traveling with someone on dates, at least offer to pay for gas. Again, dating is expensive and if you help ease some of the financial strain, they will quickly leave a warm impression on your date.

Website design By BotEap.comEvery man’s home is his castle, but that doesn’t make it a castle. Keep your place clean. Women and men can make a quick assessment of a person’s lifestyle by the cleanliness of their home. If you wouldn’t eat on your bathroom floor, then it’s too dirty. My suggestion is that the focus should be on the toilet, shower, bed and kitchen. You don’t have to be Howard Hughes to have a good place. Schedule a few hours a week to do a deep cleaning at your place. If he has trash lying around, it must be because he sorted it out for recycling. Also, if you are an adult, look what you have on the walls. Only high school and college kids can get away with posters of sports cars, models, alcohol, and rock bands covering their walls. tear it all down I would suggest investing in nice mirrors or paintings. If you have a nice print you’d like to hang, place it in a frame and make sure it complements the decor of the house.

Website design By BotEap.comLastly, people need to know who you live with. Don’t surprise someone by taking them back to your house and finding out that you actually live in your grandmother’s basement. Friends of mine have told me stories of how a date spent the night and, while going to the bathroom, found my friend’s father sitting on the toilet reading Sports Illustrated. Also, if he lives with someone of the opposite sex, this may also worry some people. Not everyone is comfortable with their potential love interest living with another person of the opposite sex. I’ve dated women who lived with men and they’ve treated me like I’ve trespassed on their territory. You need to explain to your date who your housemates are, how you know them, and what the extent of your relationship is. Trust me, this will comfort your date.

Website design By BotEap.comNow to my first lesson, young grasshoppers. Where are you in your life? Lots of people try to go out and meet new people for a romantic interlude, but they have so much other baggage, emotional or otherwise, that they can’t move on. Many people view children as baggage. I don’t think that’s it at all. Someone with children just has to be more sure what kind of person they are really looking for because a new person in their life will have an effect on the children as well. If you’re still obsessed with an ex and can’t stop thinking about him, don’t date anyone. You need to cut the ties that bind you and free your mind. Nothing will destroy a relationship faster than if you are always talking about your ex (this includes complaining), you have pictures of your ex on your wall, or if this ex is around which means you see him every day and it becomes a problem. .

Website design By BotEap.comIf you’ve had a long list of failed relationships, maybe you should stop blaming people and start looking forward. Become someone desired by being someone who lights up a room when you walk in. Take a look at your mental diet. What do you read? what do you hear Who do you spend most of your time with?

Website design By BotEap.comWhen I’m visiting a date’s residence, I take note of the type of reading material they have lying around. If it’s nothing more than celebrity magazines and junk beauty magazines, I immediately think that this person lacks personality. No one I want to be with spends their time worrying about the dating habits of celebrities they’ve never met. I mean, read a good book. Again, I’m not talking about trashy romance novels, I mean something inspiring. I will expand on that in a future article. However, you don’t have to read a lot. Choose a book and read 10 pages a day. That is all I ask of you. If you know anything about compound interest, you’ll understand that those 10 pages a day, probably a book a month, compounded over the years, will make a world of difference.

Website design By BotEap.comPeople are also often programmed by what they hear. How much time do you spend gossiping with your coworkers around the water dispenser? Negative talk also converts listeners. I would suggest getting something uplifting, like Tony Robbins, and listening to it in your car, at work, or in bed before you go to sleep. How much does it cost? I am going to ask you to listen only 15 minutes a day. Most people spend an hour or more in their car every day. If you have a CD player, get out your dance music and throw in some food for your mind. You’ll be amazed at your own reaction to everyday situations after just a month of listening to Tony Robbins.

Website design By BotEap.comFinally, and as most entrepreneurs know, there are their associations. Take a second and list the 5 people you spend the most time with each week. Now, are they helping you become a better version of yourself or are they making you miserable? It can be a spouse, a co-worker, a friend, a family member, whoever. You are the median of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Are you happy with where you are in life or what you are doing? I suggest finding people who share your enthusiasm and enthusiasm and surrounding yourself with people who have or do what you want. If you don’t smoke and hang out with all the smokers, you’re going to smoke.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you want to spend more time in church, hang out with people who go to church. It’s a simple concept. I know most people don’t want to sacrifice their friends and family, but I’m not saying they should either; just limit your exposure. Spend quality time with quality people and free time with anchors. Keep in mind that just because your bankrupt uncle Larry is giving you advice, he may not have his best interests in mind. Remember, misery loves company, and if you buy people’s advice, you buy their lifestyle and if they don’t have or don’t do what you want, then why listen to them.

Website design By BotEap.comTo finish, I want you to take into account who you are and who you want to be. Dating is a hard game and if you haven’t worked on yourself, you won’t be able to attract the RIGHT person in life because, in fact, you are not the right person either. So if you’re upset and lonely, and life seems to be dragging you down, start by getting up an hour earlier than usual tomorrow morning. Take a thirty-minute walk around the neighborhood, and then come home. Grab a good book and read 10 pages, it will only take 15-20 minutes and then while you are getting ready for work, or driving to work, listen to a good CD for 15 minutes. In no time, you’ll be on your way to becoming the best you. Don’t be afraid to date, just know you have the ammunition before you go into battle and I’ll help you along the way. God bless you on your personal journey.

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