Stop crawling and start flying!

Website design By BotEap.comTo become a butterfly, you must first be willing to stop being a caterpillar, crawling on the ground looking at life from the lowest point of view. The same principle applies to a time in our lives when we know that there is something more and we know that we are not being who we were born to be. You feel that below the surface, something is not as it should be. You must be willing to go through the metamorphosis in your life to finally come out of the cocoon, so that you can spread your wings and fly. If you find yourself in caterpillar mode, give yourself permission to go to the next level. Head to the cocoon.

Website design By BotEap.comWhen you are in the cocoon, you are licking your wounds, healing from within, reevaluating life, and withdrawing from the familiar. You become a fortifier of yourself and no longer look outside for your help, guidance and strength. You go within and feed on what has already been deep inside you all along. At first you may not feel like yourself; this is yourself, you are simply shedding what was not authentic to you. You are leaving the baggage, forgiving yourself, forgiving others, shedding your excuses, calibrating what you have learned so far, creating a map, seeing a higher vision, feeling the presence of God, on some days without feeling anything in absolute. Some days you may even feel on edge, but all of this is necessary to become the woman you know you are. You slowly feel an awakening within you. Although you are still a priority, your new desire is to go out into the world and see what good you can do there. When the time is right, you will know it in your heart. You will have truly awakened. You will slowly come out of your cocoon and know that you can fly!

Website design By BotEap.comYou will have become like a butterfly, out of the cocoon forever. Your new colors will shine against the sun. You will see life from a much higher plane. Life will no longer be a struggle. Now you are light and free. You see your own beauty inside and out. Ease is your new way of life. You have an eagle’s eye view of life. You are creating and pollinating your innermost dreams and ideals and flying to places you simply thought of years ago. You have found the courage to “get ahead” and be the woman you always knew you were. Now you are genuine, original, authentic. You are priceless because there is only one like you in the whole world.

Website design By BotEap.comOnce you’ve experienced this transformation, you’ll wonder why you crawled so long in life when it was so easy to fly. All your dreams will come true. He will make all the necessary effort and action to achieve them. Once you spread your wings, nothing in life will be impossible for you to do.

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