Arm Lift Surgery: Losing Wings and Gaining New Confidence

Website design By BotEap.comWings, flags, grandma’s arms, these are all sayings familiar to those with loose, hanging skin on their upper arms. It is not unusual for a woman after massive weight loss to complain of redundant excess skin and fat on her upper arms. There are, of course, many reasons why this loose skin develops on the arms. It is primarily a factor related to weight loss, the aging process, and after massive weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery. Aging is also a factor as is skin laxity on all areas of the body.

Website design By BotEap.comThe common complaint of people with heavy arms is that the skin hangs down and creates an unsightly appearance. Short-sleeved shirts and blouses can no longer be worn as they can make patients feel embarrassed. The solution to the problem is the careful tailoring of fat and loose skin. This is done with a combination of judicious skin removal and liposuction. Liposuction is an excellent tool that can be used to reduce the length of the incisions needed to achieve a well contoured arm.

Website design By BotEap.comTime, weight, and gravity are very powerful forces that, along with the loss of skin elasticity, help create the problem. Once the skin is stretched too much, it is difficult for it to retract even after substantial weight loss. Over time, this tissue loses its natural ability to contour and continues to pull down.

Website design By BotEap.comOnce stretch marks or thinned atrophic skin become apparent, it is usually too late to improve the shape in this area. Exercise, while suggested and highly beneficial, will only tone the underlying muscle and will not help with sagging skin. Surgery, in a way, is all that can be done to get any kind of improvement. A good candidate for the procedure has loose skin on the arms, as well as realistic expectations of what the procedure can accomplish.

Website design By BotEap.comA good candidate for an arm lift has loose skin on the upper arms. A line drawn between the biceps and triceps muscles on the inside of the upper arm becomes the dividing point. If more than 50% of the distance is below the line, a surgical lift of the arm is indicated. If there is less than a 50/50 split, then liposuction may be a good option. A consultation will help determine which operation will be best based on individual anatomy. .

Website design By BotEap.comAn arm lift is usually performed under general anesthesia. Before surgery, the amount of skin and fat to be removed will be estimated and marked on the skin. It is important to carefully outline the skin and tissue to be removed. In some patients, the skin excision will be a large ellipse on the inner aspect of the upper arms. Some of the newer techniques in arm lifts can be performed with incisions only in the armpit. Of course, the more inconspicuous the scar, the easier it will be to hide it with normal clothing.

Website design By BotEap.comThe result of a properly performed arm lift is a beautifully contoured and aesthetically pleasing arm shape. The skin will be tightened to help restore a more youthful contour. After the procedure, most patients comment on their renewed sense of self-image and self-confidence.

Website design By BotEap.comTo better understand all of your options, a full consultation with a plastic surgeon is recommended.

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