Sweetbreads, Shortcake, Shortbread

Website design By BotEap.comOkay, time to clear up the cookie mix once
and for all

Website design By BotEap.comToday I went to a pot luck party. tourtiere suit, a
traditional French-Canadian meatloaf that my grandmother
used to do. One man said, “Oh man… you didn’t bring your
gizzards!” To this I replied, “Nope, that would have been
OFFAL!” No one understood my pun, but I was quite
satisfied with myself.

Website design By BotEap.comPeople call my product (butterbread) all sorts of things.
Let me offer a brief explanation of the difference
between gizzards, lard and lard so that
The next time you place an order, you’ll know what to ask for!

Website design By BotEap.comsweetbread They are animal entrails. They are often
made from the thymus or pancreas of a piglet or calf. They
they have nothing to do with shortbread. I have tried gizzards in a
fancy restaurant and I found them quite good. i had to try
them once! I have no idea where the name gizzard
comes from. Vermont Shortbread Company does not
produce gizzards.

Website design By BotEap.comFruit cake it is a sweet cookie. It is typically crumbly
and made with flour, sugar, butter or other fat, milk or
cream and baking soda or baking powder. Strawberry
shortcake (fresh strawberries and whipped cream tossed
on top of one of these cookies) is a favorite summer dessert
for the americans

Website design By BotEap.comShortbread (my gourmet gastronomic product), is a
traditional Scottish cookie made from butter, sugar and
flour. Our Vermont Shortbread Company version contains
lots of butter, giving it a slightly chewy texture. we fill our
butter cookies with jam fillings (raspberry or strawberry),
chocolate, lemon curd, walnut, cinnamon, almond, or leave it
simple without filling (traditional ice cream). I’ve seen
shortbread in many forms – a large round “cake” (we call it a
gift box in VSC) baked in a mold that gives it a nice design
with slotted triangular wedges called petticoat tails, small
round cookies or “fingers” (long rectangular pieces). In
Vermont Shortbread Company, we make a shortie that is
a 4″ round shortbread baked in a tart pan.

Website design By BotEap.comIn short, lard is an elegant, classic, old
modern and simple dessert that has become a
Christmas favorite for many people, high and low. Enjoy
your sweetbreads and biscuit, but BUY some

Website design By BotEap.comThat’s the long and the short.

Website design By BotEap.comCopyright 2006, Ann Zuccardy.

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