Wake up! You are living in a trance! How to go out and live!

Website design By BotEap.comWake up! We all live in trances, or multiple situation-specific trances, our entire lives. Many of these trances are not beneficial in our lives. They hold us back, keep us trapped in little worlds of our own making. Yes, you are living your life in a trance. How can I make this statement?

Website design By BotEap.comEasy. We are born in this world with a personality, yes, but without beliefs. A belief is “the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true” or “mental acceptance of a statement as true; something believed” (definitions at en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Belief). The psychological state in which mental acceptance occurs is the state of trance or hypnosis. In trance or hypnosis, the critical factor of the mind is bypassed or set aside, so that the units of information or message presented to the mind are accepted. During the childhood years, the critical factor of the mind is not developed and, therefore, the vast majority of its beliefs are formed during childhood. The values ​​and behaviors that you see around you, or that parents, siblings, teachers and peers tell you about, are accepted much more easily and quickly. The mind abhors a vacuum, and as the young mind encounters new situations, it requires a belief to exist in order to know how to function within that situation, so it quickly accepts the dominant belief in its environment.

Website design By BotEap.comSo your beliefs were formed in trance, and because they anchor your thoughts and emotional states at the time they were formed, you operate in a trance level whenever you function within that belief or set of beliefs.

Website design By BotEap.comAn example is a person growing up in a household where money is tight. All around you, you are receiving messages of lack, of how difficult it is to get money, of how important it is to choose safety over risk, of how inherently dangerous the world is because of how difficult it is to accumulate wealth. As that child becomes an adult, she may want to be rich, but every time she considers taking an action to bring more wealth into her life, actions that often involve risk, her beliefs about money will kick in, bringing her back to life. life. trance state that was in effect when those beliefs were formed, and you will find yourself having all sorts of troublesome feelings such as self-doubt, depression, remorse over risky decisions, and you will constantly sabotage your desired success by failing to follow through. the actions. to create wealth, stopping dead, continually returning to the comfort zone of her who says that security, even security with a small amount of money, is preferable to taking risks. Gambling beliefs can be expressed as “risk is bad”, “it is better to be safe”, “money is hard to come by”.

Website design By BotEap.comCompare this person to someone who grew up in a wealthy family and grows familiar with entrepreneurship in an environment comfortable with risk. You can grow by accumulating beliefs like “every risk you take brings you more success,” “when things don’t go as planned, you learn something valuable that takes you even further,” and “there’s always more than enough money.” “This woman will feel completely secure in taking advantage of her money and taking risks, hoping that each experience will bring more benefits and wealth to her life.

Website design By BotEap.comThese two women could even be twins raised in different families, because while some elements of temperament are hereditary, beliefs are not. Beliefs are the result of your environment. And both women behave in accordance with their beliefs, therefore both operate in trance. The problem is not the beliefs, the problem is not the trance in which they were formed and to which they were anchored. The problem is that we don’t have the opportunity to participate. We can’t pick and choose the beliefs that will help us live up to our potential and have the most amazing lives we can.

Website design By BotEap.comAnd while there’s a lot of talk about trances and beliefs (often called self-limiting beliefs) about money and abundance, beliefs can be beneficial or detrimental in any area of ​​your life, from your ability to learn to your ability to train and stay well. relationships, or to be fit and healthy, and so on.

Website design By BotEap.comIs there an area in your life where your actual results are below what you would like to see? If so, then that is probably an area where you have limiting beliefs, for example, operating in a trance, which is not effective or beneficial for you. The way out of this situation is the same way you entered it. The mechanism that formed these beliefs is what you must use to create new beliefs to replace them, and that mechanism is hypnosis. Your actions will always be consistent with your beliefs, so use hypnosis to create beliefs that allow you to have the life you have.

Website design By BotEap.comThe method I suggest for this is a system, which begins by choosing an area of ​​your life to improve, a specific goal. You then enter the process by focusing on the success you already have in your life, which builds your self-esteem and confidence to go further. Then address the specific fears you have that have prevented you from taking action to reach your goals, and increase your motivation to reach those goals. After taking these steps, your subconscious mind will be more ready to let go of old self-limiting beliefs. You can’t just do that first, you have to lay the foundation, the foundation, that makes releasing and replacing the old belief desirable to your subconscious. The final steps are choosing new beliefs that support your goals and using holographic visualization to create the context for the new beliefs, basically recreating the process that created the released beliefs, but this time you select your beliefs.

Website design By BotEap.comGoing through these steps is a process, and should be done over a period of time that feels good, but not so slow that homeostatic resistance has a chance to undo any gains. I suggest a mind reprogramming system over the course of a month to six weeks as ideal for most. As with any change, this system relies on a combination of conscious action combined with subconscious messages and reinforcement through repetition over time for its success.

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