without a foundation

Website design By BotEap.comMany great thinkers throughout history and around the world have used different methods to reach one goal: harmony between individual experience and universal truth. The human being flourishes when he achieves the alignment between his being and reality. An orderly and consciously accessible philosophical framework allows an individual to rationally accept or reject new ideas; make consistent decisions that improve life; integrate the various aspects of his life into a unified whole; and they grow as they encounter new aspects of universal truth.

Website design By BotEap.comA solid philosophical foundation is at the core of a healthy and successful life. While people may turn to psychology or religion for guidance through life events, laying the foundation for a sustainable moral perspective and combining it with holistic therapeutic tools when addressing immediate challenges is a viable approach.

Website design By BotEap.comWe’ve seen many famous people experience crises throughout history, and Brittany Spears has now joined the ranks of celebrities in crisis. She has caused quite a stir by removing her long locks and adorning herself with tattoos.

Website design By BotEap.comWhile speculation abounds, there are many aspects of this matter to consider.

Website design By BotEap.comFrom her early childhood she was pushed higher and higher on the dubious tower of fame and adulation. Both the audience and her family contributed to the spectacle that would surround her nursery, her adolescence, and her naturally awkward emergence into adulthood. How many of us could resist the spotlight shining on our braces and pimpled faces during our own transition to puberty?

Website design By BotEap.comAnd when he reaches the highest windows of that tower, looking out into a surreal world, he discovers that the tower was built on sand. The entire construction is on unstable ground, toppling and spinning with no foundation in reality. And the crowd that has been so gleefully entertained steps back in shock and amazement, bewildered at how anyone could behave in such a way. Why, she has it all! (or so we say…)

Website design By BotEap.comShe has anything but a solid footing in reality.

Website design By BotEap.comSince her early childhood, Brittany has been in the spotlight during every event, every twist and turn of her life. Raised as a self-proclaimed country girl, she was thrown into the middle of the big city scene without much of a map. What tools have you been given to deal with her life? What has she been able to create for her life that was truly hers based on her innermost needs rather than the demands of her fans or her business contracts?

Website design By BotEap.comCould it be that the act of shaving her head was a desperate means for Brittany to show that she needs to be seen as more than just her outward appearance? Is she looking for someone who really sees her? Does she want to return to the innocence and vulnerable nudity of a newborn to rebuild her life in a fresh new way?

Website design By BotEap.comBrittany Spears isn’t just someone’s daughter, she embodies a bright, shining spirit that was created, as we all were, by powers unknown. She was created and born into this world to fulfill a purpose, but she has evidently lost her way.

Website design By BotEap.comNone of us is immune to that experience. And perhaps it is this identification that makes tabloid stories so much more interesting. Crowds await every word of his journey, every slippery step and firm foothold, so that we can measure our own journey by his example. We are lucky that our lessons are taken in relative privacy.

Website design By BotEap.comThroughout history we have seen similar scenes of the rich, the famous, and the royals, as they go missing. We have seen their fates and sometimes their demise.

Website design By BotEap.comWhile notable people make the news, we all realize that really any of us could be going through that or experiencing something similar. We, too, have our share of relationship problems, childhood problems, addictive behaviors, etc. Perhaps our fascination with celebrity travel includes a secret desire to know how they discover a solution so we can apply it to our own problems.

Website design By BotEap.comWhat is it that would really help anyone facing such a crisis in their life? What is missing and what can we do about it?

Website design By BotEap.comWhile there are many types of professional services likely to be required, whether traditional, conventional, or alternative, there is a deeper issue to address that will be critical. Referring to our metaphor, the key to stabilizing the tower required that the sand on which the tower sits become a rock-solid platform. While counseling is vital to the process, without proper alignment with reality, the little earthquakes that life offers will always create devastating problems.

Website design By BotEap.comTo align with reality, one must examine their philosophy. Each individual has a philosophy; however, how many have one who can easily recognize, articulate, access, or claim to understand the origin or underlying reasoning?

Website design By BotEap.comA rich and meaningful spiritual life, which is another way of saying a usable personalized philosophy, requires a solid and deliberately created space within a person’s body/mind/soul from which it emerges into the world: a stable structure that provides the highest standard. high against which this treasure is measured, and within which it is preserved. This perspective of a spiritual life means that there is an orderly, accessible and consciously known means for an individual to accept or reject new ideas to which they are exposed, make consistent life-enhancing decisions based on a clear, definitive and solid point of view. . comparison that results in integrity throughout your life and provides built-in flexibility to change and grow as new information about reality is gained. In other words, a spiritual life, or a philosophy proper, is not a static set of rules created in ancient times, but rather an individualized, dynamic and constantly evolving creation that requires vigilance and yet provides fascination, security. endless personal and personal growth.

Website design By BotEap.comTo obtain a rich spiritual life, it takes more than choosing a religion based on the culture in which you live or one taken by default from family tradition. And it requires more than embracing a belief system that is currently popular among celebrities. It is not about dictating a belief system to follow, but rather demonstrating how to seek, discover, discern, distill, and establish your own unique, personal, and self-empowering perspective.

Website design By BotEap.comConsciousness Engineering techniques are based on the concepts of creating such an internal perspective and structure. To begin the work of building a life-sustaining personal philosophy, one must create an appropriate and unique individualized value system.

Website design By BotEap.comYour values ​​are what you personally love, appreciate, or want to obtain or maintain in your life. Once again, it is unique to you. An appropriate, rationally designed value system is vital to creating a life that is successful in all areas. By carefully creating this system and understanding the hierarchy of positions for each entry, you will better understand how to behave, respond to others, make decisions, and determine your purpose and goals.

Website design By BotEap.comImagine what life would be like if everyone lived their lives based on these concepts and guidelines. Imagine how Brittany Spears, and others facing life’s big challenges, could benefit from taking that step toward solidifying her philosophy, creating a solid, grounded space to plant her feet.

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