workplace inspiration

Website design By BotEap.comWhat is inspiration in the workplace?

Website design By BotEap.comthanks for this question. The truth is that there is no such thing as inspiration. You cannot create it, make it or have it. You can’t cause it or lose it.

Website design By BotEap.comInspiration is what happens when the circumstances are right. Like meditation, you cannot meditate either. Do not believe anyone who tells you that they will teach you to meditate, they are not being honest. They never really meditated.

Website design By BotEap.comAll we can do is create the circumstances in which meditation could occur. And similarly with Inspiration, we can only create the circumstances for inspiration to happen.

Website design By BotEap.comHow do we create the circumstances for inspiration to happen in an office?

Website design By BotEap.com1. In the zone. People walking by interrupting each other without warning is the opposite of “in the zone.” Even a set of headphones with the right music (individual choice) can block out environmental disturbances and create a “zone” for someone. About 20 to 30 minutes in “the zone” brings a person to inspiration.

Website design By BotEap.com2. Happiness. Dark moods, anger, negativity, and depressions kill space for inspiration. Happy, positive, affirming and honest environments allow the nervous system to relax, the defenses to be released and this is essential for inspiration.

Website design By BotEap.com3. Trust. We must have a sense of purpose for inspiration to occur. That simply means believing that we are “on the right track” with whatever we are doing. Designing a rug, writing a letter, answering the phone, no matter what we do, we must believe that this activity is bringing about the result that our boss or project demands. Uncertainty kills inspiration.

Website design By BotEap.com4. Challenge. Many people avoid challenge thinking that calm creates inspiration. But this is false. Calmness kills inspiration. There must be a sense of demand, urgency, intent, outcome and there must be constant progress checks against this.

Website design By BotEap.com5. Comments. Inspiration dies in uncertainty. We already said this. But there is more Feedback means a monitoring system that rewards incompetence. Reward effort over results. It’s not about emotional platitudes, it’s about honoring genuine effort. If people have a sense of direction, they drop holding patterns that are triggered by ego defenses, which in turn would block inspiration.

Website design By BotEap.com6. Hierarchy. There are plenty of feminists who advocate for equality in the world. This is a myth if translated into management structures. Equality is related to the human rights of each individual. Here it is valid. Equality in office is also a human rights issue. But challenging hierarchy in a structure is man-hatred. Hatred of man means that an individual cannot be humble before authority. Whether that authority is male or female, that individual who cannot respect authority hates masculinity. This means that the individual has become obsessed with self-expression, self-determination, his own opinions, his own feelings. This defies the most powerful law of nature. The law of the one and the many, humility before a greater power.

Website design By BotEap.comIn the office we are humble with the boss. If we don’t like the boss, we should leave, not complain or challenge him. In society, the laws rule. If we defy them, there can be no structure, no order, no security. In relationship, loving kindness is the boss. In our personal lives, health is boss (if we’re not healthy), but when we’re healthy, purposeful living becomes boss. If we cannot respect our teachers, we cannot respect our Gods. We must learn to compartmentalize our bumps. The boss at work is not our boss in the relationship.

Website design By BotEap.comLeadership is essential. If a feminist fights business leadership for human rights, then this could be healthy. If they fight because they hate authority figures, then there will never be inspiration in this business and people will get burned out.

Website design By BotEap.com7. Energy. In the office, people eat shit food, drink a lot of coffee, drink chocolate or, many starve until lunchtime and then overeat and get exhausted in the afternoon. Blood sugar is the key to energy management. Blood sugar is more important than the environment. Low blood sugar puts people in a reactive and defensive mindset. High blood sugar makes people open, loud, and aggressive. Finding balance is essential. Nuts, fruits, substantial protein. All of this science is ignored in our society obsessed with controlling body weight, or blood types or whatever. When the blood sugar level is high or low, there can be no inspiration.

Website design By BotEap.comI hope you find this great.

Website design By BotEap.comlive with spirit

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