7 tips for your children to disconnect

Website design By BotEap.comHave you noticed that your children are becoming more attached to television, video games and text messages than ever before? And the season doesn’t seem to matter. During the summer, with more free time and fewer structured activities, it’s easy to turn to electronics for stimulation. In winter, shorter daylight hours and long, dark evenings allow less time for outdoor play.

Website design By BotEap.comThe latest figures indicate that children are watching more television than ever before, with ages 2 to 5 watching more than 32 hours a week. While TV time for kids ages 6-11 is slightly reduced due to school hours, it’s still more than 28 hours a week. That is, on average, more than 4 hours a day. These numbers include the use of VCRs and game consoles, but not time on the computer or handheld video games.

Website design By BotEap.comDo these staggering numbers worry you? Children’s health advocates certainly are. They warn that this rise in television viewing may be linked to two major childhood problems: obesity and delayed language development. For the last decade, parents thought that educational baby videos would help their babies develop language skills, but instead, studies found that babies who watch these types of videos actually learn fewer vocabulary words than those who don’t. they see them

Website design By BotEap.comThe American Academy of Pediatrics recommends only one to two hours of quality television and video for children over the age of 2 and none for those under that age. What can you do, as a parent, to keep your children away from excessive hours of television and video games? Here are 7 tips to start making a plan that works for your family.

Website design By BotEap.comone. It’s not a simple process, but you can start by talking about why it’s important to reduce your kids’ electronic screen time. Help them see that watching less television is not a punishment, but an important part of their growth. Convince them to accept the value of unplugging, and everyone can brainstorm other stimulating activities.

Website design By BotEap.com2. If you’re a sandwiched Boomer, single mom, or working mom, chances are you’re already stressed out from all the responsibility and may be tempted to use the TV as a babysitter. Instead, encourage your children to help you while you do chores around the house. – Take them to the kitchen to make dinner, let them fold their own clothes, create a game to see who can get ready faster. Talk to your children while you are doing your homework and make them part of the process.

Website design By BotEap.com3. Set aside time for them to play outside with their friends. Find out more about extracurricular activities your kids can get involved in: at school, at your local community center, at the park. Enter summer reading competitions at your local library. Even with cutbacks due to the bad economic climate, you may find creative and physical outlets available.

Website design By BotEap.comFour. Encourage your children to read instead of watching TV or playing video games. With young children, read to them at night before bed. Think about how you can make reading more interactive and interesting for your older children. Lead by example: Have a good book of your own handy so you can sit down and read together. Help set up a children’s book club for them and their friends.

Website design By BotEap.com5. Be a positive role model. Try not to leave the TV on as a background noise or distraction. And don’t watch TV just to pass the time. When you watch only a few favorite and particular shows, your kids will better understand the restrictions you set for them.

Website design By BotEap.com6. Include your children in planning what shows they will watch and when. Remind them to limit their screen time to only the specific ones they have chosen. Set the amount of time they can play video games, on the handheld or on the TV; maybe specify days or times for this activity. Make a chart so they can plan for the week. And ask them to give an account by completing the times they have seen.

Website design By BotEap.com7. Establish family rules about what is and is not acceptable in terms of television and video game use. Let your children know that you plan to be consistent in enforcing them. You can even purchase a TV/Gaming time management tool that allows you to enforce the time limits you’ve set with your kids.

Website design By BotEap.comYou may find that, like any dramatic change, it takes many small steps to change your kids’ TV-watching and video-game playing habits. When you feel overwhelmed by the thought of turning them off and limiting their screen time, remember that it’s a process. Celebrate the progress you’re making in creating a richer, more interactive environment for your children.

Website design By BotEap.com(c) 2010, Your Mentor Center

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