Change your mind and get financial benefits

Website design By BotEap.comThere are two types of people in life. There are those who produce products and services and those who consume them; those who employ and those who are employed; those who sell and those who buy. Those with their eyes wide open, hoping to find an opportunity to help turn their fortunes around and those whose eyes are on heaven waiting for a deliverer to come to their rescue.

Website design By BotEap.comConsuming throughout life is expensive because you have to pay for the ideas of those who produced the products or services. We have to be ‘prosumers’ – producers and consumers. There is nothing wrong with consumption. We all consume at one time or another. The problem comes when you have nothing to offer for other people to consume throughout your life. Reading this article for example is another form of consumption. The ideas and information contained in this article is all that matters.

Website design By BotEap.comI believe that people have to work to acquire skills and knowledge and then put the acquired skills and knowledge to use for their own benefit. Keep in mind that not everyone is an entrepreneur. Organizations that care about their employees will always have retention strategies to retain their best talent. This is done in most cases by providing this talent pool with incentives that may include benefits such as participation in the organization, etc. Most entrepreneurs will leave the organization after a period of loyal, faithful, and significant contribution to the organization. Reasoned and experienced entrepreneurs will not leave organizations because of consequences with superiors. They will leave because the time has come for them to heed the call for creativity and independence in which they take control of their destiny.

Website design By BotEap.comPeople make decisions in life that are based on many factors driven by opportunity cost: they choose to lose one opportunity for another. These choices are informed, among other things, by fear of the unknown (risks), knowledge, security (assurance that the sun will rise tomorrow) and comfort: knowing what to do and being used to it. The truth is, there are no guarantees in life. We have to learn to let go of some things in order to gain bigger and better things. If entrepreneurship is not your calling, don’t force it and be honest with yourself. If you are working, continue to perform exceptionally well, develop yourself, and prepare to move up the corporate ladder. Draw plans and strategies for the accumulation of personal wealth.

Website design By BotEap.comFinancial education is not so much about making money, but more about keeping it after making it. It is sad that most of the world’s education systems are designed to produce lifetime employees rather than employers. It is easy to recognize these countries by looking at their levels of unemployment and poverty. Even those who are said to be educated among us cannot innovate or come up with ideas to produce products that can lead to job creation.

Website design By BotEap.comThe ability to seek to understand why things happen and learn from them is a necessary skill to survive and overcome economic difficulties. Mental preparation and determination to learn will ensure that you become a wise, wealthy and happy businessman, businesswoman or investor. This describes a group of people who, if they have a full-time job, understand that they work to learn, not for money. They understand the value of investing in knowledge and the return that such investment will bring. Once they have acquired enough knowledge, they look for opportunities to put the knowledge into practice.

Website design By BotEap.comMost people start the right things the wrong way. Armed with knowledge, people in this category can mitigate risk entwined with the opportunity to start their own businesses or take quantum leaps in building or improving their investment portfolios. Most people in this category are optimistic, have a positive approach to life, and think positively. People in this category are willing to sacrifice a portion to gain more and are always looking for business or investment opportunities.

Website design By BotEap.comWe have all been created with a powerful tool called ‘will’. We use our will to accept or reject any invitation to do something, agreeing or disagreeing with the way things are done. The Creator himself cannot veto our will. Life is throwing out invitations for all of us to learn on a daily basis. You see, life understands that we all have the potential, ability, and power to be great, but greatness comes through learning. It is the kind of learning that cannot be acquired, found or provided by any learning institution. Life is the best teacher, if you let it, it will teach you well, only if you are willing, determined to learn and available.

Website design By BotEap.comPeople in this category understand that failure is temporary and is a window of opportunity to increase your credits on the learning curve. They firmly believe that failure only inspires winners while defeating losers. Those in this group who have allowed life to teach them and have been patient enough to complete its course come out wiser and more mature. The eagerness to learn helps people in this category come away having learned the art of owning things and never letting things control them. They humbly acknowledge that God and the Universe have graciously honored them. They understand the importance and value of emotional intelligence. They have developed their thoughts and eyes to understand, conceptualize and see what ordinary people cannot see and this allows them to create their state of life and more importantly spot opportunities to make money where everyone has given up hope. People in this group understand that to achieve great things, they must not only dream, but also believe and not only plan, but also act on strategies to gain knowledge. They understand that the best investment they can make is to invest in knowledge of the principles related to financial freedom and wealth creation. By creating action plans, you are providing a blueprint that will lead you to the realization of your dream.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you live in hope of the big break that will solve all your money problems, you will spend the rest of your life miserable. This kind of attitude will cause you to blame everyone but yourself for your financial mishaps and problems. You will blame the government, the economic system, other people, and potential employers for your problems. Most people in this category are afraid to take initiative or ask for information and implement ideas. Somehow they have accepted their situations and are stuck helplessly. If they are working, they will spend most of their best years working hard for money and will never get to the point of acquiring enough. If they are not working, they spend most of their time not thinking about what they can do to improve their situation, but what their governments or other people can do to help them.

Website design By BotEap.comMany people in this category are pessimistic, impatient with themselves and everything around them, blaming everyone and everything for what they are going through. Their frame of mind is such that they see impossibilities everywhere to achieve something good for themselves. They blame their current situation on history, they have locked themselves in the past as a result of which they cannot think beyond the present and move towards the future. The consequence of such a frame of mind is that those who own and defend it are disempowering themselves by continually painting a bleak picture of their lives. They develop a tendency to always have something or someone to complain about while the optimist will be waiting for challenges and the realist will be adjusting the sails to navigate stormy seas.

Website design By BotEap.comFailure is not failure until you accept it as failure by changing direction or giving up. Nothing and no one can hold you forever unless you let them. It should be noted that not everything related to failure is bad, many lessons can be learned from it. We need to start by asking ourselves the following questions:

Website design By BotEap.comWhat do I want to do with my life?

Does it require any special skills? What am I going to do to acquire those skills?

Where do I go for help?

Website design By BotEap.comThe definition of purpose drives people to want to do something with their lives. This should be the starting point. Some of the people in this category are honest and hardworking people, but without basic financial understanding – financial literacy, they can work for the rest of their active lives and get away with very little or nothing.

Website design By BotEap.comThe best way to start getting out of your current financial situation is to search and find your life purpose. We all have potential and power to be great and achieve what we want to achieve. Living a life of financial freedom is a challenge that requires a willingness to learn, unlearn, and relearn financial literacy skills in order to adopt and implement financial strategies that lead to financial freedom.

Website design By BotEap.comYou may need to do some soul-searching and critically analyze your belief systems, especially teachings that go against your desire for financial literacy and wealth creation. Remove any negative outlook towards wealth and finance from your system and start seeking knowledge. Start with what you have (skills, experience, and time) and use it to build a seed that you will plant in the acquisition of knowledge. Whatever is planted is expected to germinate, grow, and bear fruit. That’s how important it is to invest in your knowledge. People are unable to live their potential due to a lack of knowledge. Knowledge is power and the lack of it causes people to perish.

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