Rare Blue Moon Halloween October 31, 2020

Website design By BotEap.comWe have a rare magical Blue Moon on October 31, 2020 on Halloween! Grandma Luna will deliver her wisdom and her guiding light. She will be in the sign of Taurus so it is definitely a time for action. Not necessarily physical action, but spiritual action.

Website design By BotEap.comHalloween is often associated with full moons and spooky spirits, but it’s not often that a full moon actually occurs on the holiday. How rare is this Blue Full Moon? A full Halloween moon hadn’t appeared for everyone in all time zones since 1944!

Website design By BotEap.comThis Full Moon is not about witchcraft or ghosts, rather it is here to help you move forward in your personal and spiritual life. I’ll help you understand why in this article/video.

Website design By BotEap.comHalloween 2020 is going to be one for the history (and astrology) books! We will not only experience the annual “Hunter’s Moon” on October 1st, but also enjoy a spiritual heaven on Halloween night.

Website design By BotEap.comA full moon on Halloween only happens once in a blue moon, every 18 or 19 years, to be exact. For this reason, when the full moon falls on October 31st, Halloween lovers of spirituality and astrology near and far get very excited. When you look at the Full Moon on Halloween night, it won’t appear blue, but you’ll be looking at something pretty unusual. This, of course, means that Halloween 2020 is about to be one of the best Halloweens yet.

Website design By BotEap.comI consider Halloween to be a very special time of the year because of the opportunity to connect with the spirit world. I’m not talking about connecting with deceased loved ones. I’m talking about connecting with all that is holy and mighty. I treat it as a sacred moment and always do something for myself and others on this night. No, I don’t dress up or attend meetings. Instead, I go within and see what beautiful messages they are going to give to me and for the benefit of others.

Website design By BotEap.comThere is no better way to celebrate October and all its spirituality than by starting and ending the month with a full moon. Where the first of the month, October 1, will witness a dazzling Hunter’s Moon, the 31st will see its first Halloween Blue Moon since 2001. Needless to say, you won’t want to miss it. After all, the next time you can expect a full moon on Halloween is in 2039!

Website design By BotEap.comGreat fortune will be in abundance during this special full moon and Halloween, also known as Samhain. The energy that has been pouring out this year has been incredibly strong and emotionally very difficult, and this Full Moon will be important to you and what will happen for the rest of your 2020.

Website design By BotEap.comThe Blue Moon is shrouded in mystery, magic, and folklore, perhaps because it only appears once every 2.7 years. The very term “blue moon” is over 400 years old when Shakespeare first wrote the words “blue moon” to mean weird or absurd. The rarity of a full moon appearing twice in a month, or a third full moon appearing at an astronomical station with four full moons versus the normal three, must have inspired the great playwright to coin the term.

Website design By BotEap.comThe term ‘once in a blue moon’ means that something is very rare. But how weird depends on your definition and what you’re feeling.

Website design By BotEap.comThe Blue Moon has been considered lucky, something to celebrate, and a perfect time to start a long-term goal or make plans for the future. This Blue Moon, which occurs on Halloween when the spiritual veil between our two worlds is thinnest, marks a time of tremendous positive growth in your personal life.

Website design By BotEap.comThis is the perfect evening to let me personally take you into the Spirit World through my ‘Guided Spirit Journey’ and you can speak directly with your deceased loved ones. Remember the spirit world join us on Halloween and this is the most powerful night of the year for me to work with you and help you communicate with your loved ones.

Website design By BotEap.comThe Blue Moon is usually the best time for prayers, rituals, ceremonies, and protection. It is also a good time to perform ceremonies to attract a new job, healing, love, legal commitments, money, and dreams. Whether you can see the Full Blue Moon or not remember, the power of the Moon is still penetrating your spirit. So do what feels sacred to you on this special night. Feel free to howl to the Blue Moon within your home.

Website design By BotEap.comLeading up to this Blue Moon on October 31, you may be feeling incredibly intense emotions. You will find yourself feeling things you haven’t felt for a long time. Keep in mind that we are being influenced by cosmic weather. This is a wonderful time to increase your personal spiritual growth. So many elements and spirit guides will work with you during this rare Halloween Blue Moon.
So if you’re a little hectic in October, let it go by without lashing out at someone or something that you’ll later feel sadness about. Stay in your own space three days before the Blue Moon and three days after the Blue Moon and contemplate the big picture of your life.

Website design By BotEap.comSo if you’re looking to improve your luck or finish off a long-term goal, this is the time to get things done! This full moon is lucky and the start of a great new journey for you!

Website design By BotEap.comThis Blue Moon is calling you to do the following:
• Reset your emotions
• Clear emotional baggage
• Tap into your Higher Self
• Call all that is Holy to be with you.
• Connect with your angels.
• Release last year.

Website design By BotEap.comBecause you will be in touch with your own needs and intentions, you will clearly see any imbalances in the relationship that cause disharmony.

Website design By BotEap.comA blue moon is rare and if you find yourself at a crossroads in life, now would be the perfect time to get some spiritual advice to help you on your way. The energies aligning for this rare Halloween Blue Moon are going to be amazing, so it makes a lot of sense to find out what’s in store for you in this last part of the year.

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