Skin analysis: what you need to know

Website design By BotEap.comAccording to Dr. Gavin Chan of the Victorian Cosmetic Institute, “Skin analysis is the first step to improving skin.” Using cosmetic products without proper skin analysis is like knowing the store to buy shoes but not knowing what size to wear. Read on to make sure that never happens!

Website design By BotEap.comFor most African women, our knowledge of beauty when it comes to skin care ends with a cleanser, moisturizer, and toner for the cosmopolitan woman (or someone who has been reading beauty magazines). A skin care review is important because it will help you manage decisions that affect skin care at home. For your beauty treatment to work, you need to know which products work for your skin type and meet any unique needs you may have. Skin analysis is usually done by an expert, who can determine what type of skin you have and prescribe products for you to use.

Website design By BotEap.comThe first step is to know the medical conditions that may be affecting the skin; the second step is to examine the history of the skin. These are the products that have been used in the past, if they have had any adverse effects. The use of special medications such as contraceptives may also be considered when performing an analysis. The third step is to determine the skin type. There are three basic types of skin: Normal, Oily and Dry. As their names imply, this refers to the level of the oil content of the dermis.

Website design By BotEap.comNobrmal leather has a fine, even texture with a smooth, supple surface. It has a proper balance between oil and moisture content and is therefore moist and not greasy or dry. Normal skin pores are small and the overall skin tone is even. It looks clear and does not develop spots or blemishes. The skin pores are fine and barely visible. It reflects good health and needs gentle treatment.

Website design By BotEap.comDr. Gavin says that oily skin can still feel greasy and shiny after a bath, dry skin, on the other hand, usually feels flaky and tight after bathing. Signs of oily skin include enlarged pores, acne breakouts, blackheads, and shine. Signs of dry skin include flaking, tightness, and cracking. Many people with oily skin may not need moisturizers. Often, people who have oily skin in the T-zone (nose, chin, and between the eyebrows) may find that they have drier skin around the cheeks. This is often called ‘combination skin’.

Website design By BotEap.comDry skin tends to age faster than other skin types as a result of its lack of moisture. Treating truly dry skin requires the use of a moisturizer. Moisturizers, however, don’t actually change or improve the skin, but simply affect the way the skin feels temporarily. They can temporarily compensate for the lack of moisture/oil secretion from the skin.

Website design By BotEap.comOily skin has a tendency to form acne, and the greater the oil secretion, the more clogging and acne tends to form. Oily skin can also benefit from the use of toning creams. This can help remove excess oil and reduce shine. Dr. Gavin says that topical retinoids (Retin-A, Stieva-A, Cosmedix Refine) can help reduce oil production in oily skin, as well as increase cell turnover and reduce acne formation. Oily skin can feel dry at times due to excess dead skin on the surface, and a topical retinoid can help.

Website design By BotEap.comWhen considering products, keep in mind how sensitive your skin is. In this way, you can reduce the level of irritation that can occur when using a product. it is preferable to always test the product first on a small area of ​​the skin. Dr. Gavin Chan recommends the use of sunscreen containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide for people with sensitive skin, as it reduces irritation.

Website design By BotEap.comRemember that an exact skin analysis can only be done by an expert. Monique Eddleton, who outlines the steps to take when having a regular skin analysis with a licensed, expert esthetician, says the first thing you should do is fill out an inquiry card or form to get your biographical data. The esthetician will then ask her what beauty concerns she has. Before the exam, all makeup must be removed to ensure the analysis is accurate. The skin is then examined in very good light and the expert explains what she sees and gives advice.

Website design By BotEap.comIt is important for every woman to have a proper skin test. That way, she’ll know what products to use for her skin and won’t be acting on trial and error based on her sister’s advice…or TV commercials.

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