Snack Attack – Move with a limb – That’s where the fruit is

Website design By“Take care of your body with firm fidelity. The soul must see only through these eyes, and if they are dark, the whole world is clouded.” -J. Wolfgang van Goethe

Website design By BotEap.comEveryone at one time or another has had a snack attack. Opinions about snacks differ. Some feel that snacking is bad and that snacking leads to weight gain. Others believe that eating lots of small meals and snacks throughout the day is healthy for maintaining optimal energy levels and weight. If there was one way to snack that was right for everyone, we’d all be doing it!

Website design By BotEap.comTo ease the guilt of your snacking attack, try to understand why you’re snacking and which snacks work best for your body. Do you snack because your daily diet is missing nutrients or because you eat too little at meals and feel hungry again? Or are you eating to calm your nerves or to entertain yourself when you’re bored?

Website design By BotEap.comWhile snacks aren’t a substitute for loving your life, they can be great energy boosters and a healthy way to keep your body fully nourished, as long as you use a little common sense. Many convenient snacks are highly processed and full of chemicals, additives, harmful fats, and refined sugars. Try foods that are filling and satisfying, but also nutritious. Eat snacks that don’t come in plastic wrap or a box, like fresh fruit, leftover vegetables, or rice cakes with almond butter and fruit spread. Make your own trail mix or eat blue corn chips with hummus.

Website design By BotEap.comYou can also try “update”. If you’re craving something crunchy, upgrade from French fries to raw carrots, apples, baked kale, or yam chips; if you have a craving for a chocolate bar, enhance it with a handful of nuts and dried fruit; instead of a cup of coffee upgrade to green tea; instead of ice cream, upgrade with cinnamon applesauce. Enhanced snacks are rich in nutrition and give you a greater feeling of fullness and satisfaction; you won’t feel physically or psychologically deprived, and you’ll have plenty of energy to keep up with your activities for many hours.

Website design By BotEap.comFood Focus: Fruit

Website design By BotEap.comBy using fruit to satisfy our sweet tooth, we can leave behind the use of chemical and refined sweeteners. Fruits are easy to digest, clean and refreshing, and are great for those who are overly stressed and overheated. Fruits are full of fiber and liver stimulants, which act as mild and natural laxatives. Whenever possible, buy locally grown fresh fruit, this keeps you eating in season. According to this theory, our bodies function best when they are closely aligned with the seasons and climates of wherever we are. A great way to see what’s “local” and in season is to go to a farmers market. ( is a website that can help you do this in your area).

Website design By BotEap.comEating raw fruit in the summer months is very refreshing, while baking it in the winter months neutralizes this cooling effect. Fruit in juice form is a great option for cleansing the body, but keep in mind that juice quickly spikes blood sugar levels, causing an energy crash soon after. Frozen or juiced fruit can be a great summer snack. Try frozen grapes, frozen banana coconut popsicles or lime juice and fresh mint ice cubes in iced tea!

Website design By BotEap.comHere are some summer fruits and their health benefits:

Website design By BotEap.comApricots: excellent for lung conditions and asthma; used to help treat anemia due to its high copper and cobalt content.

Website design By BotEap.comBananas: help lubricate the intestines, treat ulcers, detoxify the body, and control sugar cravings; rich in potassium, which helps hypertension.

Website design By BotEap.comCherries: Slightly warm in nature; they increase the general energy of the body, cure arthritis and rheumatism, and are rich in iron, which improves the blood.

Website design By BotEap.comGrapefruit: Treats poor digestion, increases appetite during pregnancy, relieves intestinal gas and reduces mucus conditions in the lungs.

Website design By BotEap.comPapayas: tone the stomach, act as a digestive aid, moisten the lungs and relieve coughs; They contain carpain, an antitumor compound.
Raspberries: They benefit the liver and kidneys, cleanse the blood of toxins, regulate menstrual cycles, treat anemia and can promote labor.

Website design By BotEap.comRecipe of the Month
Fruit and Nut Smoothie

Website design By BotEap.comPreparation time: 5 minutes
Serves: 2

Website design By BotEap.comIngredients:
1 banana
1 cup soy or rice milk
1 cup of berries
1 cup of diced melon
1/2 cup almonds
2-4 ice cubes

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Website design By BotEap.com1. Blend in blender for 1-2 minutes and serve.

Website design By BotEap.comOptional: You can add other ingredients for added nutrition, such as a tablespoonful of bee pollen, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, spirulina powder, or a tablespoon of protein powder.

Website design By BotEap.comMore about Going out on a limb

Website design By BotEap.comStop for a minute. If I asked you: What is the meaning of life? What would you say?

Website design By BotEap.comInteresting question to ask, huh. One of my mentors asked me that not too long ago, and honestly, I was surprised by my answer. A few years ago this would not have been my answer. I said, the meaning of life is to LIVE IT! Sounds trite, doesn’t it? Well, it had more meaning to me than that. I had an epiphany. It occurred to me that I was actually living my life, and in the present moment, for once. It was all inclusive of every emotion from happy to sad, and a series of minutes and hours of being, doing, learning and failing to the best of my ability how or until it happened. That was really living, and suddenly I felt free.

Website design By BotEap.comThe meaning of life was no longer defined by my past and all my stories, the hits and misses, the haves and the have-nots. It was right here and now and so am I. Wow, what a concept. I also realized that it was not something that I tried hard to do, quite the opposite. I allowed myself to fully experience each space I was in and became, and in that moment it was revealed to me. I will never forget it: now is one of the ten most defining moments of my life. Maybe you can relate: has this ever happened to you? What have been the defining moments in your life that have since led you to a new way of being?

Website design By BotEap.comMost of us walk around and live our lives with this backpack called our past. It comes in all shapes and sizes and some have more or less, but the fact is that we ALL have something. And it shapes us, without a doubt. But if we don’t stop to put it down, look inside and investigate, it can take on a life of its own. Kind of like “the boogeyman” when you were younger. You remember? How could you forget, you might be saying! We all knew and were afraid of the “boogieman”. Most of us couldn’t even relax or go to sleep until our parents assured us that we were safe and nothing was going to happen to us. We had them look into it. We wanted proof. And once that happened we feel calmer, more secure and ready to move on. Right?

Website design By BotEap.comIt’s the same with our “stuff”. If we don’t investigate it and look within, it becomes bigger than it really is and prevents us from moving forward, living our lives and becoming our true selves. Yes, it’s scary to look inside, but what’s scarier is what happens if we don’t.

Website design By BotEap.comIt’s time to stop fooling the world and yourself out of the real, loving, gifted YOU. There is no substitute for you. The world, your spouse, family and friends need you and all of you. If there is something you would like to do, be or say, go ahead and start today. It may not be easy, but have you noticed that nothing worthwhile ever is? It involves a scary risk. There are no guarantees, it evokes doubts, fear of failure and takes us out of our comfort zone, a place we would rather not be. It happens to ALL of us and it is essentially the child in each of us who is afraid of the “bogeyman”. So put your mind at ease and find the people in your lives who make you feel good, support you, lift you up, and encourage you to become the best version of yourself!

Website design By BotEap.comThe irony is that it is only through change that we truly grow and begin to live. So go ahead. Go for that branch because that’s where the fruit is! And how sweet it is!

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