The over-positioning of dog training

Website design By BotEap.comOver and over I get calls from people who are so focused that they “understand their dogs” and cannot understand why they are dealing with the problems they are experiencing. Then I’ll ask if the dog has received any training, and it never fails … “yes, we had them in the petsmart / petco / clicker classes. That’s all I need to know! Ok, here’s the deal: operant conditioning y Training (also known as clicker / positive reward training) is a wonderful teaching tool and is a useful tool that we can use when training our dogs. However, just as a carpenter does not come to work with just a screwdriver, We, as coaches and managers, must come equipped with a “complete toolbox” as well.

Website design By BotEap.comDon’t get me wrong, I think any dog ​​can benefit from any type of training, it’s just dogs with a more complex personality that see the world as if everything is there when they want it, including food, (this is about 99%! of my clients!). Dogs with this personality type are waiting for a treat, so you’re basically “rewarding” a dog that sees the world through these eyes for a desired physical response (i.e., sit down) but in their mind, they just see that you are allowing them. Rip your food away, which instinctively, they would never do it because of a real dog that was a leader they respected. So basically the dog feels like he is being rewarded for dominant behavior. This is where it gets tricky … Because the act of taking a treat from our hand is innocent by nature for us as human beings, we also believe that we are rewarding the dog for listening to our commands, when all the dog sees is that Are you. fostering behavior that would never slip into the world of dogs.

Website design By BotEap.comNow this doesn’t mean that treats are off-limits to any dog, and some dogs even benefit from this training tool. But we must see it as a tool that complements a deeper understanding of the nature of dogs. Especially dogs with higher training requirements.

Website design By BotEap.comOkay, so what do we use then to make our dogs respect us and stop problem behaviors? Three words: Energy of understanding What is this? The Energy of Understanding is an energy of the sixth sense by which all living beings communicate. Have you ever had a feeling about something? Your “instinct”? That is the energy of the sixth sense. Most animals use this first and foremost when communicating with each other and with other species as well. (How else does the cat know when the dog is about to chase them before the dog doesn’t even look?) So dogs are constantly getting our signals, good, bad, or indifferent. They, in turn, send us signals back. Which if read correctly, can be the most powerful training tool you can use when communicating with your dog. Unfortunately, most humans are not in contact with this energy, or at least not when it comes to projecting it onto their dogs. This is what I teach people, because techniques, tools or methods only go so far. We must put our “leader energy” into the environment to effectively communicate with our dogs that we have things figured out better than they do and that they can relax, knowing that we are in charge. Once our dogs believe in our energy, the problem behaviors associated with too much responsibility disappear and our dogs are happy and responsive to you, no matter what method you use.

Website design By BotEap.comHere is the debate. Hence the title of this article, many think that “if you are not positive and treat dogs as” little humans “you are being mean to the dog. Have you ever seen dogs interact in an environment where humans are not present? It is a game 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Do they bribe each other to show who is in charge? Do they play or interact in a way that resembles humans at all? Not even close. They operate on principles of acceptance and rejection in the pack, whether they are dominant, submissive or neutral. Why would it be any different when they try to communicate with us? Dogs do not understand the differentiation of species and, for them, everyone talks about dogs and follows the laws of the canine world. Again, I cannot stress enough that we should love our dogs, treat them humanely and appreciate them, we do not use outdated and blunt methods. We create a mutually beneficial relationship based on respect and communication just because of one simple fact: dogs just don’t see things the way our human psychology would like. That’s it, because dogs have been living in places so close to us for so long, they have become part of the human experience. This makes it difficult for us to see things the way they do because they fulfill a need within us for companionship and of course you wouldn’t act domineering with your best friend … would you? Once we become competent actors and create a personality within us for the sole purpose of communicating with our dog and no one else, we can now put our humanity aside for a time and be on their level. Like a great actor, he puts aside his off-screen personality to become his role. It’s difficult at first, but this ability is within all of us as energy projecting beings, so why not use it?

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